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Advertisements & Notices

... Will sail os Sunday next. l - ~For N EW YO RK, The well-known American Ship JOHN ,PAUCIF1C, . *JOHN WILLIAMS, Master; ' Burthen 365 tons, coppered and copper- . fastened, and having always. made short passages an I delivered her cargoes' in excellent order, renders her a very desirable conveyance for dry ?? the better accommodation of passangers her cabin has late- ly been greatly enlarged and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t of the Liverpool Mercury, at ?? tsesctmelot of pheyear, feels it absolutely tbor C o state to SoME of. his Subscribers si PVC053,l to those in the country to whom prin- vaot p havre been sent, that unless their ar- the tco ff~u pdateltid tup, he will be under ant the li;rtaat ne ;cessity of d'leclining to forward dei ti-eurr papers to their address, However re- ,h Ie rl¢e individua lahere ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n e 11 ElaRArU1i.-lu our epitome of the proceedings of the Irish CSii,'. h Assoeiation, it is stated that, according to a Brunswick drouc.O, just published, three or four thousand Protestants si erenllu * :Z at a certain period: it should be three or four hunldred dliO:' Is BELIEF UNDER HUsMAN CONTROL?--A press of advelli'icO e haq compelled us for another week to postponee a brief cidori w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEATRE OROYA.LVERVERPPOOL. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MADAME VESTR IS , O And her tst s Apprerantc this s czs.iom Iv il S Presen t FRIDAY EVENIN(G, October oth, wheen t ill b per h Comedy of toI NO YOUR OWNr, MID.In Lady hell,..(wtith Songs).M.NadasneVESTRI5. After which (for h7th ti th te ne w Fwt of . TI-M INI LES. h victoir e . dame sEiSriS. rflF,,FCH COMPANY ofMEDIANS are engaged to per. flie . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tmalro bj auction. TO ZROMAI~OXGRRS, SIe~THR, AN[) OTUFRS. By MESSRS TAYLOR 4 HIM~E,A on Tuesdayinext, the let of AprIl, at Eleven o'clock precisely. onA the Premnises, Old tilk-street,by order qfthe.Assigner, HEvaluable STOCK inl TRADE, and'otherv Ef'ct, of r Messrs. Wrigley and Co., Bankrupts, consisting of an excel- We. lent Four-borse-power Steam Engine, capital large Cast-iron and nrh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... III t r I . I i pubuic almu5mtt0. M.RI BrANCHARUS FOURTH NIGHT. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MISS FOOTE. AND THE ILAsT NIGHT OF HER ENGAGEMENT. r lHS PRESENT FRIDAY EVENING, July ltb, will ^e performed Mrs. Cowvley', t Comedy of ~A BOIDSTROKE FOR A HUSBAND. Don Gioip;'r ?? (on this lession) ?? Mr. Blanchard. Deuna Olivia, mi-s Foote. her I ot appeariale here in that criaXeter. Afteriwhich. Ak COMIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il TF VER anxious to prevent imposition. DAY and MARTI N °b ic EJA respectfully inform the Public, that they have, after muel, Iilbur, tind at very considerable expenise, brought to perfection e Label of slih singular constretionr and ex'trei diffi eulty of exei Cuaion, that they trust it will effectually prevent the many frauds that are daily practised on the public. Alr attention to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, a TEACHER, competent to insJtruA, W BOY i; the usu8d branchbe of an Englisb Edrft. tiOD. aia-y, £40 p.r ainan, and a Hepldp,,ft , Apply by ltter prepaid to Mr CHARLES J 3KAppletou, Skirlaugh. YOUNG LADY wiehes for . ljZ-ENGAGE- A M.SlNT. She in cowpetentt ,rIVAC ENGLISH, FARYOl cnmki;1, and MUSIC, nhJ jlba kad aeven yeare' exptrienoe.-Addrns.' 'M ?? .tel ttfice, Hull TEIE REV'. J-.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POST r 1=4 i IX STA M PS. SEALED ENDS TP y LV E STAMPS. C~tJFFl,'RERS FRtOM DEBILITY and those who kJ by indiscretion in early life or other causes are prevented irons entering the marriage state, or done so find themselves in- eny way it- ^ vng I the due fufilm~ent of ito duties ?? Competent to the New bdition of'the I , u t ?? ad I DX. DE; ROOS, ?? no9I l Ald tl;b subjects- ..,N)WbX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING, &c, ,TXHULL TO EDINBURGH AND 'txtJ.. LEITH, X Whence there are daily Conveyances toK h .Glasgow, Stirling, Perth, Aberdeen, the Lochs, and to all Places on the East and West of Scotland, the Screw Steamers E ?? Captain THOMSON. XV kRSAW . ?? Captain J. GARDNER. (or other Steamer), wil be despatched as undernoted hvw~tber xvitherst. pilots, and with liberty to tow and assist vessels ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. £ 21,000, £700 and' several smaller i29000 9 sums between £200 and £500, are ?? ly to advance on good Mortgage Securities on application to Mr. GEORGE KENYON, Solicitor, T'horne and Doncaster. Thorne l 21st sty 1867a. 7 (115) SITUATIONS VAcJa&T. anED ~ experienced Clergyman, for a Sole Yorksh inirrual arish of the West Raiding YorkhBrE LThe stipend offered is £75 a year, with surplice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE TU L L P A C K -E T is PUBLISUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, t~lstamped, TwoPENCE. I Stamped, TnREPRPEieE, UNSTAXPED 'STAMPED.> 2d. I3d. p3AL-YE'AR (CREDIT) I s. 4d. 6s. 66d. DITTrO (IN ADVANCE) 4.4d s.(. TO ADVERTISERS. The Scale for Short .Prelyaid Advertiaements will be as follows. From the country, Postage Stamps car be sent as cash. An Advertisement of 8 words ?? d. 16 ,. ?? Od. 26 ?? ...