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... LL INTELLIG Acclpk — A few days ago, as the schoolars of the Free Church: at Spittal, were at play, of ti went to the Mag quar aid a tlig, wale fell down one of the boys, ud vroke his kk The sufferer, a sou of Mr Dav +, ut Spittal, is in as hur a way as could be « Ap cle dl Patan to learn a ms an at News, 1¢ peli, mict ! by a fall Wille In tlie ving bi ot tu a boat Lhe deee survived the fil ...


... His Grace the Duke of Sutherland wag expected at Dunrobin Castle yesterday. We arc glad learn that the directors of the Aberdeen Fire and Life Assurance Company, through Alex. Adam, Esq., their agent here, has paid to Mr J. Bremner, Harbour Place, the full amount of damage done by fire to his mill and kiln some time ago, the premises being insured in that office. Petitions have been presented ...


... Rivi-.r Improvkmkmts.—Tho embankments 011 the south tide the river, carrying on the expense the British Fishery Society, are still being prosecuted with considerable spirit. Operations have been commenced in the immediate vicinity the bridge. When the whole embankment shall have been completed, it will usefully occupy a large space ground which had previously been perfectly useless, while it ...


... r a n c e. M. Eustace de Beaumont who lifts been appointed Ambassidnr Vienna, has left Paris for that city. Before his departure he had a long oonference with the President the Republic. La states, that Gem ral Aupick, (he French Ambassador at Constantinople, has demanded of bis Government that a Preach fleet be sent to tbe Dardanelles. The Contlitutionntl states that il is the intention of ...


... THE KINO SAXONY. His Msjesty the King of Saxony-& of great private worth ami accomplishments—arrived here on Saturday last. Before adverting to the King's visit to Inverness, we shall extract some notice of his previous movements in Sootland His Majesty and suite arrived in Glasgow on Monday afternoon, in two carriages and four. The royal party reached Hamilton Palace on Sunday evening, where ...