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Norwich Dissonters' Sotree

... Dissonters’ Soiree. ee esday eveniag, n pursuant to uotice, the was held in St, onW - yissenters in this city, soiree jall, and was by about 1000 ing many minist ers rom distant 0 f tables, and seats had been placed perso Rows ot be Hall, * soon alter five o'clock or at down to tea and other refresh- » co pray e plentitully s upplied, : ats, hich wer ambers considerably increased ; qrret ea, ...


... I CONCILIATtON HALL. I LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL AS SOCTATTON.- l The usual weekly meeting of the AEsociatinci was beld r yesterday. The Hall was much crowded, and amongst the it members of the general committee present were tho fol o lowing :- e John O'Connell, M. P.; Alderman O'Brien, M. P.; it James O'Hlea, Esq., Cornelius M'Loghlin, T. C.; Am- Y brese Sullivan, T. C.; A. R. Stritch, Esq. ; ...


... SITTINGS THIS DAY. The Lord Chancellor will sit in the House of Lords. „.„,, rwivrFLLORS' COURTS, LINCOLN'S I.VN. VICE-CHANCELLOKS «. England. Hansard .JtSS, £ Ltions. part heard. Mahon v. Ro- bertson, petition by ?? Waters heard ; Tinsley v. Ginese. Causes, &c.-Cha.nb^ v W ten .££ &d_ZZ*. I-ear.. Payter v. Kj»gg*?gS«E M'Mahon (three). Hewlett v. Welling- ?? v. aLiU. Chambers v. Siggers. ...


... REM ARKS ON THE “PROPOSED ASYLUM HARBOUR AT HOLYHE AD, AND THE MONOPOLY CONTEMPLATED CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD RAL LWAY CoM. ny THE By Cuariss Wye WILLIAMS, Esq. pany. i ia, perbaps, no subject wit hin the limits of the fune- a f a government, with reepect to which their line of duty 2 more clearly mai rked out, than that of interns]! commupica- tion betwee! n the several parts of the country ...