Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... dst fflarriagez anij DeatbY. ain as hat - '5MAR RIED. our Lately, Mr. Peter Lee, draper. Chorley, to Hannah, second or daughter of Francis Glossop, of Harthill, near 8heffield, York. uld Lately, at Ashton-under-Line. Mr. John Race, eldest son of i M. Henry Race, Oldlield t o Mary, eldest daughter of Mrs. on,Cheshire. d Ms- ,eay . i th e 19tl ult. at Chester, Mr John Robinson, of w Lea near ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At th 2 Friends' eleotingghouse, Salnp, Richard Rathbone, E rq. of this town, to Hanniah Maiy Reynolds, daughter of Joseph Re slds, h q of Ketloy, in Shrophire. (hr Sunday thc O5ti inst. at St. Anne's Chisrch, Mr. J.N.Bird, of dssi_ t, ?? nal-aquare, to Mary, only daughter of Mir. An- lan drew Iowiet, joiner. On Tu eslay the 8th iust. at St. Nicholas's Church, Mr. Jas. Smith, butcher, to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... it l. Alarriagtz aub iOatto. d , MARRIED, Lately, at St. Peter's Church, Mr. John Jones, shipwrlght, to Miss Ih Ann Ross, both of this town. A' On Thursday, the 11th instant, at Woodridge, Thomas Clarkson, e- jun. Esq. barrlster-1t-law, son of Thos. Clarkson, Esq. of Playford- D ct hail, to Mary, third daughter of the late J. Clarkson, Esq. of that t I- place. On Monday, the 15th Instant, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, On Monday, the 5th instant, at St. Nicholas's Church, Mr. Thomas Peers, cordwainer, of XWavertree, to Miss Elizabeth Cummsings, of this sown. On Saiurday, the 13th instant, at Cork, William Thns. Jones, tEscp. to Helen, youngest daughter of Mr. J. M-Naughton. On Sondas, tbe 14th instant, at the Collegiate Church, Man- hcster, .Mr. Edward William Lawrence. hatter, Mancisester, to Mary, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IVI HED. O>n IhCe Rth ?? lat, &dua. ,Sarue J hrntnr,. E\q. mefhai~t.Bania, t Eliiw. fwnirtb 1ausgtiterof CWU.iLm Penell. RsqJ. FBl tanit s Co¶ snl a 8ah _ . t On Spnday.heB5th'IIht~a FJrkb1s(:hp0l. Mr.'fl1.tw0B Ral,- rl(fn1aifsllrrg, tA tce. daouhbrm of Eilw4rd RaIwlbiwv: &q. On Mottiday., th '.th jt. ar IEhkb Chrbap6. I, Mt.clird lady. rof $1smonswood,.to Mary; also. at the raane ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ^ ngm- . ]ent ,a lrta 0 alte - ixtbqi ;ts fi will idia MARR n I E D and On Saturday, the 21st ult. at St. Paul's Church, Captain Jobn and Wilson, of the Nibnrod, of this port, to Isabella, youngest be daughter of Joseph Carter, Esq. ot Newton.heath, near Nlan- Go- chester. that On Monday, the 23d ult. at Sephton, near this town, Thomas the Fenton, Esq. solicitor, of Selina, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR'I-18, TH AIRUfLGES, ANID D EATl'Ub. MARtitrAG ES. ATKINSON-JEFFE1ESON.-January 24, at St. AMary's Church, Hull, William Atkinson, Cottingha-n, to Annie, widow of the late John Jefferson, innkeeper, Hull. C65111Y-KENNEDY.-J'annary 24, at the Catholic C, ajpel, Crowle, by the Rev. Canon Gueden, Thos. Corry, to May Kennedy, b ,th of Luddington. Ca.kvYEN-FoOWLEn.-January 18, at St. Stephen's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... So n. i @s 3 8 Ot, OnTuesday last, at Childwall Church, Mr. Thor . EccAes, jun. an ed Of talis of this town, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. Bibby, of on -h On Monday last, at St. Bridget's Church, Chester, All. This. cl Jones, of this tewrs, to Miss Harriet, second dangihter of Air. a tober oCfMhrae, of the formerplace. daeytin Yorkshire, the Rev. John Fleming bu . Parker, At M. third Sort of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _Martiageo anB Deatbx. = MARRIED.] on Monday, the 23d nit, the Rev. E]ward Hill, of Hindley, sm to 31iss Ellen Johnson, of Wigan. i Same day, at the Collegiate Church, Manchester, Mr. WYm. la Broadbent, vwoollen-manufacturer, to Miss Mary Hamer, ?? second daughter of Edmund Hamer, Esq. of Stonewall- m( terrace, Cbeetham-hilL Fa Same day, Mr. John Rhodes, of this town, to MIss Eliza SC, Oates, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ml it: t, It ?? d e t . ' ?? anb Dcatb0o 0MARRIED, *, -; . c- i urch, Mr. Samuel Lythgoe, sur.eon, of i a;ss Mary Appleby, late of Egremont, near ?? at St. Nicholas's Church, Mt. Hall, at 'll's, Church-street, to [lISs Mary Ellen ; --7th ulr. at St. Philip's Church, Mr. R. Maddock, . j~t1.; ;daught. r of the late Capt. G. Armstrong, :! ofthis town. > ?? ti cl St. Nieholasis ChurchliMr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1arrtape anb B atbo. MARRIED, LBtely, at lirlc Malew, isle-f Man, John J. M. Corlett, Esq. of Centramnmon, Lezayre, to Elenore Eliza, second daughter iof the late James Moore, Esq. of the Abbey. Ou Tuesday, the 27th ult. at York, James Carter, Esq. of the Inner Temple, to Emma, youngest daughterof the Rev. (harles Wellbeloved, of York. On Thursday, the 2gth ult ut the Friend's Meeting-house, ...