... At Solihull, near Birmingham to-day (Tuesday) Mary Harriet Jones was charged with unlawfully wounding her husband, the Be v. Maurice Jones, curate of Solihull. During an altercation on March 29th the husband was stabbed in the left thigh, and sustained a rather serious fiesh wound. He was not in court t.o-dav, but his represent five asked that the charge might be Withdrawn, it being alleged ...

Published: Tuesday 03 April 1894
Newspaper: South Wales Daily Post
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 89 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... A boy William Thomas, 13, Williams- place, James-Btrer t, was taken to the Hospital late last (Monday,) evening suffering nom injuries received by being knocked down by a cab at the of Singleton-street and Dillwyn-street, The injuries received were fortunately not of a eerious nature. After being attended to at the Hospital the boy was removed to his home. It should be stated that no blame ...

Published: Tuesday 03 April 1894
Newspaper: South Wales Daily Post
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 85 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... CISSY. Mr. Laurence Daly's Company are paying us a return visit with the above successful eomedy- drama. It is brimful of fun and supplemented with quite a programme of vocal music, which, while not in any way being detrimental to the play, adds greatly to the hilarity, whieh never fiags from first to ia3t. it i» not to be inferred that frivolity is the absorbing characteristic oi Cissy. On ...

Published: Tuesday 03 April 1894
Newspaper: South Wales Daily Post
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 469 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

[ill] Queen Charlotte Darling; Mary. Barnard, [ill] Scales

... ,Q. iipL V ;? I. I ? a V;? . floor ? ,* 'n. 'A's - ;wvA ? ft . ,I , ;o, , .. - 1. 1, . 1. ?? ]- 1: ?? .¢.l. ' ; ?? ~~ ?? t ' o ?? mtO (c+-tjdth,.4w it;sou a% ~hu5iljar-il ?? ?? %se Tic-~tze a arr d ,j* b ,.&~tvets ptihatf ?? lo. Iht,- ?? iligi to tic t i n 1qa tdosi ;5vas I the ?? in ;> {gstv ?? prsi *O48;Pttllyed, hbtidamargvd.J Thbe rig B1plos; rec *tzo Rs :ter~sbirgAkitb beimgp and iron ...

Published: Tuesday 04 January 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1321 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... FONIhftWNIDON GAZETT.. J, X 1 - I I ! . 1 A'dfilitalty- 0tictAugtifA I i z r. tohy of.a lettet from- Lord Viifcounnt Wfronr. ?? .ke-Adnisiral of trie Red, &c. ?? Nepean Efs. dated oil bard th'e Mredufl off Botl'gne, Augutt' 6, Sot. t1 ?? judged it ; roper to attersipt briim. i,,) ing ozffr the enenmv's flltilla, moored in the front of -floulogue' I direaed the attack ,to be made by fjor ...

Published: Tuesday 25 August 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2805 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

French Libel upon the King of Sweden

... F'raciiLibl..po h King Frenc l~iibei #t13° thed 14 ingf Swteden., P RIVATF letters, rvceived by the laW Hamiburg nait llSae- hat Bonaparte's emilfarits in SAveden are bstfilv ensployjd in dirlibhtuing tsrif- lations in the Swedilh language of his late official libel in the Montiteur againl tri King of SWeden. The objed of rhe Ufurper, in this bafe an.I treacher- ous proceeding, is to ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1315 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

FROM The London Gazette Extraordinary

... r 'o tell OIIA?a ette; ettralrbinarv. The following dclr;6fches have been t e ,Eait India tloufe, ,fro. the Goerirn4 'oncil, *;at.BonsbAy:. SEeCRs DEPARTMENT. To the Secret Cotindiitae. of 'thse ]Molim itieY' Court Of Dirrelm faor .Affti-rs of the Ulniteh (Joinfpaiz'v of Alerfhants of Engluad; trading to tlie Fl.of 17ti'ies; YOtONOURABLr' CENTLEMtEtN, s. Otur addrefs to your ...

Published: Tuesday 17 April 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1672 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... CORN-.LETTERS. MerA-Lne,. Monday, November 7. Having but few veffiels frelh up for this day's rmarket here; our fopply of graih in general was quite fc nty; wheat was in the greatelt abundance of any artic!e, and the quality alfo materially better than what we have feerl of the new crop for two or three weeks pall; the mealing trade at an early hour manifefted t a confiderably, brilknefs, but ...

Published: Tuesday 15 November 1803
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 759 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LOA'NDON, ANOVEMVBEkR 7.- _1 _ E yeferday received Paris papers to %/J/ the zd inflarat. They are not of any other importance than that wlhch iT to be attached to the arrivtI of the Geriain negociartfrs in France. Cnunt C ben- zel having -fet out from Luneville, met, at Bar ie Duc, now called Bar fur L'Ornain, about a third part on his jout-iey, Jofeph lora.iprte, and taking him in his ...

Published: Tuesday 11 November 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1422 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON JU:i. The following articie was year- flock up a5 an eminent 6oo'fe lle 's at'tlie Weit end of be town 'lThe French army on- its' route to .lkanover aas. et by a Ruffiar4:Aid-deeampg .ho, on the1part of Rualan 'Geceial here, reque&h 3, coinfeicnge ;aith tc Commanderaof the Frefigch 'ttops; ie which tie French army hbas halted.! Accounts received by the Nautilus,,.Captaii; Shreve' ...

Published: Tuesday 14 June 1803
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1578 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 85:- r- oypopXr, rNOYEMlBER 5. . RIXy this morning difpatchej, were i reccived at the Admiralty from Admi. Jr) ' Cornwvailis. They wvere landed at , Thurdflay evening frrom his Maje- Indefatizable, Captain Moore, which Ofeet off Breft all xve) on the preceding 1tree c'clock. The accounts br-ought ,, :f;igable Plate, that of Lote tht-re has au unufilal buffle in the harbour of as to induce a ...

Published: Tuesday 08 November 1803
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1518 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

To the Editor of the HULL PACKET

... ?? 9t'aret ' Fri-ndTSociety ssro ririted pbelic, thrit nsofgreat comfort to tlie F the commxunity, in the IW dho ma)ein Urn nt, o 'be hghl# gratifiUgt',o, h-eart j ?? others bid io~ lbhr~iiing gc4neratio1l. isg aic~count of the geine, iey,.expetienced,-in -g~n ,;'6rthiree xceptibors, it-x indwnbat mnufl be!l~iU~ i~lrfii who cd~lletced; the-~ eist1ji te it aagephcnf, is,: 4 rn'oftof )fheo iri ...

Published: Tuesday 04 January 1803
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 79 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News