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Wednesday & Thursday's Posts

... & CHursaip’s LOM DON. Gazette of Tuesday notifies the ap- pointment of the Right Hon. James Abercromby to be Chief Baron of his Court of Exchequer in Scotland, vacant by the resignation of Sir Samuel Shepherd. The Gazette also contains an order for a congé d'elire for the election of a Bishop of St. Asaph, in the room of the late Dr. Luxmoore, and recom- mending Dr. Carey, now Bishop of Exeter ...


... The House met pur-uant to adjournment, and the Speaker , took the Chair at a few minutes before four o'clock. NEW WRIT. On the motion of the Marquis of Chandos, a new writ was 1 ordered to be issued for the election of a Burgess to serve in the present Parliament, for the Borough of St. Mawes, in the room of Sii S. Morlvnd, Bart, deceased. NEW MEMBERS. Mr. D. Calla.jhan, for Cork, Mr. G. B ...