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... SWANSEA DAY SIGNALLING STATION. MUMBLES LIGHTHOUSE, September 30th.— Re- part Wind, W., fresh; Weather, squally ae., rough:— Salisbury s, Liverpool, in roads Llanthewy s, Newport, in roads Pluvier, lie de Re, in roads Java, Dublin, in roads Eva, Dublin, in roads H. E., Llanelly, in roads Lafrowda, Penzance, in roads Lanisley, Penzance, in roads St Agnes, Hayle, in roads Trio, Guernsey, in ...


... SELECTIONS FOR TO-MORROW'S RACES. MANCHESTER MEETING. THE LANCASHIRE PLATE. The great event of the Manchester Meeting will be the above plate to'be decided to-morrow, but notwithstand- ing the immense value of the stake it is to be feared that a very small field will see the post, comprising the following 10 3 Baron Hirsh's La Fleche, 4 G Barrett 9 11 Mr M'Cahiiont's Isinglass, Loates 9 7 Mr ...

C H E S T E R M E E T I N G. .'.............-....

... C H E S T E R M E E T I N G. WiUNiSDAY, MAY 10. Thft CEijcTUR GL-P (Handicap) of 7CJ sovs. added to a sweepstakes of 20 sovs each, 10 ft winners ex- ta-a second to rec-ive 100 sovs, and the third 50 sovs out of lhe st.uces.—Old Cap Course (dearly two miles and a quarter ). 3 7 Sir Shrubhs Insurance, 5 T Cannon, 3on 8 7 Mr Greenhalgh\> Roy Neil, 4 j Lobba 5 6 Mr Taj-ior's iladamo d'Albany, 6 ...

I Hunting Appointments

... Newmarket Notes. I (EY OUR NEWAIAKKHT CORRKSPOKllRNC.) TO-MORROWS SELECTIONS. Our horses engaged on Wednesday will leave by special train in the morning, .when with a run my selections read: Leicester Handicaiv-ANXIOUS MOMENTS. Apcthorpe Selling Nursery-LLANBERIS. Harborough Handicap—TOVAROS. Regulation Plate-KARNAK. TRIALS THIS MORNING. Blackwell'¡¡ PAIUTE beat Friar's Wash at five fur- loncs ...


... SHIPPING, SWANSEA BAY SIGNALING ] STATION.. i MUMBLJSS hkQUHmWm L ma*2»o, vm. •vWind,• E.N.E., fresh; Weather, cloudy; Seft smooth. fVince Edward s, Charleston, passed west Loire JnKjrieure s, Nantes, passed west AUtHiesoj^K, Louden, passed west Piantage'sefr s, Liverpoolj passed west Norseman s, Middlesbro1, passed west Jargwo. s, Gl-jsgdWv passed west Trefusifi s, Fidmouth, pMsed west ...


... SATURDAY OCTOBBB 7. PROBABLE STARTERS AND JOCKEYS FOR THE DUKE OF YORK STAKES. 9 6 Mr Charlton's St David, 5 9 3 Mr Lowther's Workington, a J Watta 9 0 Lord Ellesmere's Esmond, 4 Chalonei 8 13 Mr Hanbury's Cabin Boy, 4 .C Loates 8 3 Sir R Jardine's Llanthony, Plati 7 12 Mr Singer's Glenwood, 3 Barrett 7 9 Mr Manton's Adoration, 4 .————— 7 9 Col North's Quickly Wise, 3 7 7 Mr Foster's Queen of ...


... PORT TALBOT. WE regret to announce the death, which took place at noon on Sunday, from inflammation of the lungs, at the ripe age of 77, of Captain L. R. Fitzmauriee, R.N., of the Wharf House, Port Talbou, who for upwards of 20 years bus V-cn harbour-master of the port. The appointment of a successor rests with Miss Talbot, of Margam Park. ...


... PONTLLIW AGRICULTURAL SHOW. Pontlliw was all astir on the o?c;ision of the third annual Agricultural Show being held there yesterday. The entries were very numerous, aid, on the whole, of a superior quality. A large number attended. The secretary was Mr. J. Clement, Twyn Farm, who, with a com- mittee, has worked most energetically to bring the show to a successful issue, and his efforts have ...


... FOOTBALfr, LLAXELLY V. SWANSEA. The following have been selected to play in the above match at Stradey Park on Saturday SWANSEA, BACK: 'Bancroft (capt.). TKSBS-QUARTSR RACKS: C. S. Coke, E. Thorogood, Williams, and Tanner* HALF-BACKS: T. Blackmore and Eddie Evans. FORWARDS: F. Mills, Rice, Russell, Smith, Arthur Lewis, A. Jenkins, Alf. Lewis, and R, Thomas. LLANELLY: BACK: Llewellyn Every. ...


... J LICHFIELD STEEPLECHASES. RUN AT 2-0. The NATIONAL HUNT SELLING FLAT RAOE of 50 sovs. -Two miles. '12 7 Mr McGregor's Old Ben, Woodland 1 .12 7 Mr Sydney's Buella, a .Owner 2 12 7 Mr Irving s Arthur, a Mr Harper 3 12 7 Mr Jesson's Leitrim, a Mr Wilkinson 0 12 7 Lord Hastings's Master Astley, 6. Mr Cheney 0 Betting 7 to 4 each agst. Old Ben and Buella, 5 to 1 each Arthur and Master Astley, and ...


... RUN AT 1-30. The HOUNDEAN PLATE .handicap) of 100 suvs.-Five furlongs. 8 9 Mr Hoodless's Crawley, 3 Barrett 1 a 11 Mr Clarke^ Mistral, 3* M Canaon 21 9 12 Mr Swan's Conachar, 6 Mr Phillips Also ran-Bad Start, Alexis, Golden Pippin, Master Charlie, Queen's Favour, bherelark, Kilsee, Hestou, Jimmy, and Basement. Betting 4 to 1 agst Golden Pippin. 5 to 1 Crawley and Kilsee, 6 to 1 Hestoa, 100 to ...