... LONDON METAL MARKET. LoNDcNue Monday COPPER opened firm at £42 10s thiee mouths, £42 7s 6d having been paid on Saturday, and the feeling re silver repeal bringing in buying Iorders. W4len these were filled, however, the market became less firm, and cash business was concluded at £42 Is 3d, followed by three mouths at £42 Ss 9d. Prices were then ,haammnered, three months inouing off at £42 7s ...

Published: Tuesday 24 October 1893
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1170 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... SlHIPPING iNTELL4 NCB.. ' LO0AL OHARETERINGa'.AB NSACTIOi 'ee .. , f ?? Sa~turdicy. . u The following include ?? fixture 0 ro reported lhi O u ?? s . SioD-ST Ceirdiff to xatati, 3s lQhd, clean. torin (King6- 91b land) -le ,, Leghorn, 5s, olenr terms (Tis of Georgia) a,~rsoillOsf6, olbon terms (Dewsln4cd) Genoa, 4.e 9d, Olean ?? A ,, Pirewus, 4s Sd,'leiLu terms .isi : ,, Maltta, 4d, clean terms ...

Published: Monday 27 August 1894
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2033 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... . LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET. ?? IIVUPOOL, Saturday. Bacon: Disappointing cable advises and a oontinuied sla'k demand has further depressed or the market to-day, and values are again on a lower b'siisi, holders being anxious sellers. Shoulders are difficult to move, and prices of Ne'w Yorks have further delinied. Hams are dull, especially long cute, which are lower; short outs have also a ...

Published: Monday 22 October 1894
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2449 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... NEIW YOIRK( PRICES. 40 fos - CRfcOCUTER'S THSlEOGt-A7I. 1 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, Cotton advanced at the opening, but after- 2 wards reacted and closed easy ; spot quiet at 3 1-16a. loss. Cotton oil continues weak ; crude, 28c. ; yllow1, 33c. Petroleum frellned)inactive, o alid quotations nominal. Lard waek throughout; cash quiet. Wheat closed steady; cash. dull. Flour olosed dnll. Corn closed weak ...

Published: Wednesday 10 October 1894
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 794 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAJIRKETS LONDON M17iAL MARKET Ji -ONDONjs4-rida y. to ;uy Copper opened strong'at. 3s 9d sldence, 3Uirn ad ninonthse arrival fermns; makling :£45 17s tfid, and Pi Lip. on America supporting tlie marks' P6es ?? r sas proved to £46 three months. TrdeSrs then 0 .ast, began to take profits, and three mni'nths sold Fi or at';545 18s 9d to :£45 15s,.with cash at :£45 10s fr the to £45 7e-6d, ...

Published: Saturday 10 August 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2429 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... CARDIFF CHIAMBER OF' COMlMERCE. HISTORY OF? THE INSTI'T'UTION. 'l'he mtoutithly meeting of the C~ardiff Chain- ber of (.'onmliere wras lheld at the E~xchange ?? Netes-riocti, flute Dueks, on Wediiesdty, 31r. SPr J. Anidretr ilo tihe chirl. 1i- M~r. 1V. B. l~serrier road a letter wvhichl lie bad X d received front )bi. \\T* G. Dalziel, p:sserithig~ itl stto the ?? aw tulitiher of documlenits ...

Published: Thursday 22 August 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1050 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... . -. LONDON METAL- :&ARKET. d ?? LONDN Thursday. cE^ .Copper openet 2> !a6 lower at £46 '8s 9d pa -S&Ahrk:i . week4 and for & time ruled easy, with .wc tnree mcsws iat 44,12A'6d, due'.to diseooxg- >Ai iliv cables froni New York-. The market' then 41k rallied with little offering. and, altlo'6,uh y, tradilg 'prboeeded slowly, there was 1cimn b indercone throughout, cas-h ruling at £46 tha 7s ...

Published: Friday 11 October 1895
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2062 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... PA LONDON (MiAL MAR=ET. ppe opened firmLONDON, Tbursday. Ph Copper opened firm at 2s 6d advance, with 1gthroeoL.ntha at £51 lSs, then advanced three a moanothsmak ;B5l16sW3dto£5l17a6d, early fo r, Prompts O lobto £51 12s 6d, and at these inl le rabs a onsiderable business was put through. an m Canh then made 51 1N, two months £51 15s, .d and three. months £51 17, 6d. At the after- to- L noon ...

Published: Friday 05 February 1897
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2665 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SOUTH WALES COAL TRADE,' , . l ? aTHE CONTR~,OL ?? THIE OUTPUT. -tim not O COMMITTEE'S LABOUT11,S DlRAW- II,, - ING T'O A COL4Sk ?? totd f . . del t A Iurther meeting of the committoe ap Cs p pointed by the Associated ancV non-AssociateI 0] . Oolliery Owners of Monmouthshire and Saiuth Llb 3 Wales, for the purposa of preparing a sel hie, for the control of the output of coal witH1 a b view to ...

Published: Tuesday 09 February 1897
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2649 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON M0AL MAKET. LONDON, Tuesday. Copper opened witb a better tone, awing to oonsunptive demand, but the volume of bbsi- nw trainsacted was moderate. Business opened at about 2a 6d advune* with late May at £:51 6s 3d and a munth £51. Afterwards thre months realised £'51 s 3d, cash £50 17s 6d, and Aei4dda April at £81 and £51 I 3d combiaed. At Ao afternoon session the mnarket reacted; three ...

Published: Wednesday 10 March 1897
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2153 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I HARD TIMES IN THE TIN- PLATE TRADE. - .1 LOCAL EEPICTS Of THl - 7 M'INILEY TARIFF.; t - a OVER 5,000 TIN-PLATERS IDLE. at - - A LOSS OF £16,000 WEEKLY TO MASTERS AND MEN, s -- F FAMILIES LIVING ON 2s, A WEEK. ,f - r [B3 'ALcAN] a Contrary to expectation, the quarterly ineet- LI iug hodid at Birininglitau on Thuleday last ii showed that for some months at lenst the n in lprevnoent in the ...

Published: Monday 15 January 1894
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1885 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... FJE-1NANCIAJA, (Frolx THE~ Pains AssoCIATION.I LONDON, M5ONDAT. Thie demand for money continues on the most limited scale, and short loans were quoted to-day from lito 1.1 per cent. Dis- count was easier, 2.1 per cent. being tile general rate for three months' bills. There were no bullion operations at the Bank. Bar silver remains 31, d. ;, Mexican dollar ,quoted 32?d. Indian tuelegrain ...

Published: Tuesday 05 December 1893
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2668 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce