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... Wood i, uesdft y 3ast an inquest was held by John Fulf a f q . at a house on/the Tilmire farm, near of /({ being sworn to decide as to the cause who EUz abeth Bradley, the wife of labourer, that farm - The deceased was a woman her V addicted to and at len ca nsed this *, abits of intemperance. The facts of y the called was he eYid ence. The first witness sin le woman, servant to Mr. Newton, ...


... LATEST NEWS. The following is statement of the names of the steamers which will leave the United States dnring the next twenty days after the despatch had arrived out, their dates of sailing, and when their news will be due in. England:— When When their Names Steamers, they leave the news is due United States. England. Glasgow Dec. 21 Due „ Jan. 6 Jura „ „ 8 City of Washington .. „ „ 9 ...


... BKVKttLKY. Town Council Meeting. A special meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday, when only half the members were present, namely, Messrs. Foster, Hind, Find later, Arden, Wreghitt, Morley, Lowther, Akrill, Skinn, ickers, hitton, and Cook. Messrs. Robinson, Arden, Cook, Akrill, Wreghitt, ickers, Skinn, Whitton, tatter on, Lowther, Fiudlater, Oxley, and Underwood were appointed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSINESS ADDRESSES. A. W O O D R O F E, * J EWEL LER3?; AND SILVERSMITH, Begs to draw attention to the fact that his Steok of 2 Machine-Made Silver Watches are equal in finish and istyle to those in gold cases,beingdaterminedtosupply - a Silver Watch without fault. Well finished English Lover, Silver CaseSizes 4 for Ladies ?? Jewelled, OpenFace,HeavyBalance,MaintainingPower, with all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTERTAINMENTS. VEW GAIETY THEATRE, WEST ,9 I~HARTLEPOOL. ' Proprietor . ?? , - JOnN BAs TST. TWO NIGTS ONLY, FRID&Y and SATURDIY, August 22nd and 23rd, Mr. A;fred Young's Holborn Theatre Company, oonsist- lug of a powerf cd ombination of Talent, specially or- ganised for the production of the Great London Suese, written bv Miss Florence Marryat and Sir Chas. Young, Bart., entitled Im I S S C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S-THE STOCKTON EMIq7MFoooI . UNIO GrA D G&A, at lgtAN~ on WBDNF.SDAY, THURSDAY, £NRT AINf - T llR SHOW. lgi U3DAY. Augusat i6th, 1878. BAND of og atS 1.5 andl .45, aud return from D~0 Darlingto nd 8.8m f-o ih LOIVER SHOW, TR AGU FLO St FOLKS' GALA. TJ'0S STUHUAYAust SUTE. ?3 BRID-E FLOWER SHOW DT SATURDAY, August afrom rook and Tow Law. See Small - p03 EIC NOTICES. ] - op.CREL A;NNIEER,-u J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU8LICATION8. Jest Pnbllshed, Foolscap 8vo., sIR. RUPERT KSETTLE'S AWR, Ml in the matter of tbe Cainimmade by the Ironstone Mior of Cleveland for a Bise in the rate of Wages. Darlingiofl NoaracEERN O OprVo, Priastgate. Large quantitieS can he hid st reducod prices BDUCATION. CLARE COLLEGE, SCORTON.- C Prineipal: The Hev. J. M. POLLOCK, M.A. LL.D., Fellow of the Educational Institute of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ,NTEITAINMENTS. - SNE - THE - SEA GRAND d tA ,,Als BAN,! CONTEST, CORNET SOLO ' . T IX IwN ATHLETIC SPORTS, MON. y( PAJIy 28ithI o, 1578 p t say that thce Entries for Oc Tbeo s oa utes 0 lrcs l ' following celebrated Bands, ox -Leede iledC e1 Tinttiwwait., 4th Durham Artillery, th T:'FetliW, 0' Whitwortb; while a :,ong the oo of tl e most rctownved cornet players ae ~ te ~~coda~F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;7ENTE RT S AlNENTS V OA ETY ATR, WEST j H ?? 05d onnouncing that e i .,.g with MADEMOISELLE F bobs' v Celebrated La COMEDYD bMA F WOit ek 8 Nights, Of this C ompany) Tm ?? ysO ~ond Ey and Tuesday, Augnat 2 Ith anJ p0rodl~, ?? 26 a. Biardin' s faose ComSedy bysbt G.r¢c M11aomecech, Esenith ath Hrgalf Lndo, FRIB Ba R neS i 2ycir ~O fromthe Vadeil Tete, ea arseeatComediette,F TofCO wiorth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EN'~TERTAINENTS. ET HARTLEPOOL THIRD VT AhNNUsA yORTI0ULTURAL SHOW AND gL rJSDAY, 12th Angnst, 1878. GgADAn ediddMILITARY BANDS are engagedl TWO BP and Scheduies on application to MFiralacs JO HN TWEEDY, H E Hon. Sees. ~JDCA PIE.-Mr~. F. Groorlingg' MILITARY BAND of Sixteen Performers will 0 TWO GIllD PEltFOS1RnN0ES every TUES- g ~ed y~tjl)A daring the Season. 0 S ?? 8; Evening, 7.80 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -_ sJEW GAIlAl'Y THEATRE, WEST LI IloIEPLEPOOL. Proprietor . ?? , MR. JfoNas BIMOT. TWO NIGHTS ONLY, FRiD'XY and 8A'rl1UiD IY, August 22nd and 28rd, Mr. Alled Yorug' Rocb-,rn Thoatre Company, consist- ing of a powerful 'ojnbinactin of Talent, speistlly (r- ganised f~r the prodactiou cf the Great London Success, vritten by Miss F~lm'nmco Marryat and Sir Chas. Young, Bast., entitled ' I S S C H ...