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TtmrfdayV and Friday's Polls

... and Friday's Polls. „ , O 14. . declaration aa&exed to the DcaMttTe Trea* ttcs, Chandeoagorc is only to be furroutlded with a ditch to drain off tkt waters. The French did thU year* agoj hot aa it .was percehrcd to be merely Iciot Goollrud a fortificaiton, a party of Englim foldiers Were ordered to fili the ditch, and the worlu! dticomiooed. The Kthg bye ofiered «0,000 Ticket* of a new ...


... That the (aid indenture is lodged in the hands John Teouohton, attorney at law, in Pre»wr,to inspected and executed by the creditors of d« said James Graham ; who are requested to dcliter *» account of their demands the time of the execution of such deed. Worthy and Independent FauMW of the Borough of Lahcaitbk. rji'lNG had tbi honour of refmatdug I f L ...


... ACCOUNT GRAIN. Importation of wheat from raefday to Fritlaf •¦•Jy «n nil artery; o*tt,to quartm; an,! n-W, to jjaocwt. The ixnm'y the importation grain finally terminated the iJtK, the con lienee and the mailer the velfel king oath that ihe had failed from the port abroad fitch period would hare admitted of her arriving England or. or before the of o (Sober, had not unfavourable windi, ...

Market f^eralti. MAR

... K-LANE, Monday, Dec.. 3. We had another very plentiful arrival Wheal for to-day*s market, and the demand proving rather Hack the prices declined about> 6d. per quarter the beginning of the day, mid full 6d. more towards the dole, from the currency of this day fe*nnight ; there wtrf very fink Rqns Ibid 44.9. noon, and it mud hive bred quite a fuperfine parcel have theft fetched *-Rye and Oats ...

Ce ad Saturdap and Sunday's Pols, LONDON, Jvty 19. HE King of Pruffia is determi ON not to wait for

... the flow ad refe dums of the Dutch, He dema immediate fatisfa€tion for the inj done to his auguft Sifter, and = iffued orders for the march of battalions of infantry, and go {quadrons of h —which will amount to near 50,000 mcn— better difciplined thanany power on the Ca nent can bring into the field. They are ord roceed to Cleves. to he Earl Talbot, Taylor, from Bengal Madras, is arrived off ...


... Tues it- all fuch houfes as had not | ns > « for a long time ke tas pa bt cientl le houfes, or were fu ledged to be neceffary.—They have alfo pub ed an order through the borough to the follor urport:—* That in order as much as poffib ve diminifh the number of ale-houfcs, without rv jury to individuals, and thereby remove the te all ations to diforder which are too frequently ed out in thofe ...


... HONS be let, extremely well Furnithed, ¢ 2s, = = ~ — be Colt, or jet for any term, of in Uthat may he agreed upon, Pounden’s Foundery, Dublin, new in extenfive oniers d d contradts. There is 2 aud of 2s, cupoles and air furnac commodious ftores, working and fale hops, gomplere pacterns, &e. all in the belt order repair, with 2 moft ltock of mets Alf tobe difpoted of, the Iron Works of N county ...

ELECTIONS. POLL fcr Co. ANTRIM at CARRICKF2RGU?. #1 nd*f, jtft Miy, tj d»y. ITbarf. ift June, u day

... ELECTIONS. POLL fcr Co. ANTRIM CARRICKF2RGU?. nd*f, jtft Miy, tj d»y. ITbarf. ift June, day. Vf. O'Ne IVr How’ey Mr. Leflie Mr. St»te J on Monday Fitf the Earl of MilWbor--.i>ph The Hon. Robert Stewart 1168 l*e EMw. W»H «»o» Go Mathews, ££q; 741 State the poll for the LOufity Cork, Monday laft ; For Mr. Bernard rur Mr. Morri* Lord Kinglborcogb 816 At the of the poll fer the tonne Galway, eft ...

i SATURDAY'S PORTS. • Jk irri, Vieuka, July 17. Sutr-rSuorj, July 17. report made by General Kray, ift. Field ..

... Lieutenant ter abritk bombardment of three capitulation : the of to retreat, on condition of not it fit montha.—General Ott found great quantity of ammunition e hindered or annoyed opening before Mantua, General Kray rcftrong tower Ccrcfa, and well and artillery men, tbit enteron the at day break, as fo! 24 cannon and howitzers, Jetachmcnt of ranger, andTyrolian ported two divilion*. Colanel ...

;n Scale. Hence Wijdom found, and unrepenting Choice

... found, and unrepenting Choice. E. ESTATE at SOWERBY ROW, ther ULY 4) fates, O be SOLD, in Public Sale, and E upon at Candlemas, 1790, at the Houfe of Jon OLD Dawson, the Sign of the White Hart, in Pe ing a TUESDAY the 11th Day of 1789; all that ning (late the Property of Jouy Harrison) {ituate at SC ,and BY ROW, in the Parihh of Cafle Sowerby, conhilting commodious Dwelling Houles, Barns, ...