... n At a meeting held at the Museum of Practical t. Geology, 28, Jermyn-street, London, Mr. le Geoffrey Drage read a paper before the Royal of §tatistia, Socet on thesubr of Alien to migrat aid that a had pointed m anUG esewhere that we ar making our wvay in ill England to a new dividing line in politics, via., ssthat between Socialism and Ind&mndualismn, be- he cou transtiofi the combatants A ...

Published: Tuesday 25 December 1894
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 644 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I ir ofl> Gz hat A CHART OF COMPENSATION. rule The competsation problem, writes the Bishop of sap, Cheater, is ripe and urgent for solution. It blocks, just bea long blocked, and. unless fairly faced, must )US5 continue to block the way alike of prohibi- i Is tion and of every plan of licensing reform. th ?? Its solution should, therefore, be the prompt to! ther and united endeavour of al who ...

Published: Tuesday 25 December 1894
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2200 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 

[ill] the London Gazette

... ?? to l a rtte. dnmnralhy-OOfiee, Decemlber 20, 1803. .. -olalttel from Vice-Admiral Patton to Sir . Nepean, Bart. dated in the Downs, the i9th X-The Bafiiifk gunt-vefe l has arrived, having * aptnred a Fretich guti-boat: A copy of Lieut. Shephea d's letter you will receive herewith. e the honour to be,&c. PHILIP PAtrON. Ris Majfryfly'o ?? Bqftlk%, Deeember l8. have the honour ?? acquain t you ...

Published: Tuesday 27 December 1803
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 205 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... o' Extraes of a'lrtter, cortainisngfome utriqux Pirrtreutars rltive to the 'Cabpturc of SrRINGAi'A;M.,-By ajo . Ofiacr c tbsAxrmy- bfore. that;plac. .: e - HE: EngiLh army, on its .apptoach tq 'Segrb.n J gapatam, 'fiitTered very little inconvenience from thle Su.tbat having deftroyed thw^villages and laid wvadre the country in its front; noy fipm the attempts that bad been made to poifen the ...

Published: Tuesday 29 April 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 905 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

from the London Gazette

... jj rom Iae -OflDfl lac Adnmirahy fice, OWober 17, 1803. Copy of a letter from Rear.Ad,,ihal Molntagu to Sir Evan ,Nepean, Bait. dated nitl board his Majdfly s IMip Utrecht, Downs, 2&th Septenblser, ro83. S [R,-InclnCd I have the hollour to tranifmit a duplicate of intelligence reccived from Captain Jacfon, of tile Autumn, thle olri-inal being talrlfmitted to the Commander in Chief. I am, &c. ...

Published: Tuesday 04 October 1803
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1023 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? . - ; I )J ?? VARLIA:,MENT'. I T . . : . . . -, HOUSt OF^c OM-MONS; - sdg, Dee~ern,6er 1. * Nt.4eflage from the Lords announced to tile A `H ol ftiles h conxcurreance oif their Lordfnipi to' 'the thltowil rl ?? hiax, amid Iflax -leed impoitatkinl bill t tie p-taroe (larch bill, and to ?? hill prohibiting the tife ot whlret in dfitilltti^os in .Ireland. ?? na rofe -for the -purpui; of ...

Published: Tuesday 22 December 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1590 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... A VICTORY N TqE EAST-INDIES. I I I _ Extr;a of a ltter fromn , gentlema -upon, the :lewgal E0JahIibrTent, to his father in Bath. Camp at Yepulpurivy, 30 miles S. W. of Racon, Sept. 10o 100.. . MY DEAR SIR, 6 57OU willihave mruchfatisfadion in learn.- Jtin. that we have at laf come up wiih Dhoondiah s army , .and t6tally defeated them. -On the-7th we arrived at Kannigherry, and marched the. ...

Published: Tuesday 05 May 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 473 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LONDON. SEPTEMBE1R27.. 7 YESTERkDAY: morning, - in-- Corvfe- .quence of an i;vitation from' Lord Y Harrwoby, ecretrirv of State for ?? Foreign ?? sniiier .pLntndemen 'spn > _ 4vw 4f ~oiwrnerical flablih.- mrents engaged in the Spaailh trade, -affimb~ e at his Lordlbip's office. His Lordfhip commu[4icated to them, T' .That there were certain -neonctations, on inporitant poits, now pending ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 467 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PROBAB1E . FFCTS I . ' - FAAN J>dON wiTI IREFULD 1: emigration will take place of farmeri ?? from ]Britait into the ifier Illand. In So6nth ~andJ Noi 'ritain, land is fcarcc ,and fains #re.fexv oyr. rents are confequentl§ in- creafed,' a our parochial taxes aIre-heavy: feri- dus6btacesto the aggrandizement and the pro- iX of 'farnters:' In 'Ireland the o~pofite ?? id'e'diisited t.'e ...

Published: Tuesday 04 March 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 878 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ?? PARTICULARS- ; ^ T~O F .,THu Fe .LOSS OF- THE EARL DITZWALAM I ?? -- ?? IAM-. Tde ?? frsraf zafitti'ia bda1f ,poff ul ef .Tharlfe pa leyen 0'cocko we were alarmcd .om.ticig on flie, upon' w icl- every on came' dodeik-jthec fleemage wasfil~i'a; itok~e; wshich appeared t5 cdrne fromn the gln-roriiniciitile.' Eveiy exei~i wt~i naie to quell . thc~hr4S Sb~hinhIrtle thortnci af five minutes, ...

Published: Tuesday 04 March 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 490 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LOYDOAT, NOVEHMBER o. Yefterday eve-ing an exprefs was, received at Lorid Hobart's uffice aind at the Admiralty. hiom Sir 6idhtey Smith (lating his arrival io the Antelope, ot T'uciday, at Yarmouth. *The dil'patches it-ate, That the utmolI exertions are ufed on the coaQ -of Holland for invading this cottntry ; that every plane at which it is pofrible fur troops to be enibmiked, is ciowded with ...

Published: Tuesday 15 November 1803
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2698 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... .. -- - I S OP N H . . : - I R&INGSTO UPONl.uIH . ?? L A~1UL 2c, i~o I I,.1 h : . >OATD SUBSCRIP1ONS. Amount of Sahfcription.s formerly ad; ) . . . vertifed for proveiding good Meat £3.;3 s4 Soup for the Poor. . W.Jarrrat, to -o-MifsC. J3rrtt i .O HMirs E-eruer'.- 6 6 o Mif-Howavd 4 a 0 . John Korneia '0 Mfs'oltoa o .o 6 In S.-Horitxejrn. a z o Mts. Snyzr Z t Robcrtblegham u r .x: H. ...

Published: Tuesday 21 April 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1006 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News