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IIiGHWAYMPK CCmhjrfd. AS highwaymen do rob and deal, And noremorfe of'confcience feel. About their booty make a ..

... Ilea! from one another; Princes form a grand alliance, And fet all confcience at defiance : Intent on plunder, well known) They take force what’s not their own ; Pbor friendlefs Poland tear afunder, And difagree about the plunder. ...


... oO R SM O T H HIS is to give notice, to the Owners and Mafters cf VESSELS tradi ns tothe Wett- that if the are inclinable ta Vo: ad back 72 LIME STON E, from Plymouth, that on de lame to the Con manding | Enginter at Portiiuouth, wi i by the Store- he immediat ly paid gs. freight per tov, keeper of his Ordnance it Portime Such perfons as inay be Jifpoted to load with Lime Stone, 38 above, ate ...

die P R I SIR. cannot fay wh«Xer the following Air hasyetbien introduced in the Burletta of Midas, intlead of

... t]v« which begins in the fame manner, whether it is only imitation j but as it to have fbme merit, I mull beg you will infert it in yoiii next Journal, Yours, P-Qj. LOVELY Nymph, before thee bending. Hear a haplefi youth’s requeft; See for thee his bofom rending, See for thee his beating bread. Did you know the youth that’s kneeling. Soon you’d hear his plaintive drain More than common is his ...


... THIS is to give notice, to the Owners and Matters VESSEI.i trading to the Weltward, that they are inchnabl'. load hack * LIME STONE, from Plymouth, that on dedieiingthe laine to the Comwandiug Engtater at Portlinottth, will tmm-diat'iy pail 4s. ft eight j«r ton. by the S'jrekeeper oi hii Mijtltv'a Ordrancc at Poitlinouth. petfins a» be difpoled to load with Lime hton- j» above, ate apply Mr. ...

country new s. i ork, March Monday morning came on, the the trial John Bolton, of Bulther, near Cattle-Howard, for

... the murder Llizabeth Rainbow, his apprentice-girl, which lalled nine hours, wh«n he was, the moll circumiraatial evidence, found guilty, and received death. He was ordered executed Tyburn, near this city, Wednefday, and ,3i!5 delivered to the for di/Te,£lion. Bu'c early that morning found means to be his c.tccuiianer in the cell. He effe&ed this •tying lift garter and a piece cord that ...