... i SPORTING INTELLIGENCEF NOTES FROM BRIOHTON. Mr. Savile read a hard lesson to the backers, thin afteenoon. when be declined to allow KIaser to do his best in the Brigthon Cup, which Lilian wonin order that the four-year-old may not be penalised for the other caps which have tobe decided this year. ror to-morrow my selections ?? Stnkes, IUrerITAGr or Mees ELL1S ; Brighton Club Stakes, SHALLOw ...


... . $Po]TINg INTELLIGENCE. THE CHESTER CUP. The following remanarka on the racing at Chester, on Wednes- day, and full report of the Cup race, reoeived too late for publication:- While producing the smallest field of cornpetltors on record, tbe interest evinced In the decision of tle Choster Cup will bear most favourahlo comparison with that of any previous anni- versary Of the famous contest, ...


... NEWMARKET CHAIMPION COURlSING KElETING.-Ycoli'sr]eDAY. T1I,e (ISAMPION STAiCES OE 64 subs., at U guineas each, with £100. added: 1st dog -115 2nd v530., 3rd ;24.. 4th £24., 5th £12, uth 4£12., 7th A:12. Stl £:12., Dth, 10th. 11th; 12th, 13th, 14th, lith ,and 16th, a. O guineas each, 450. Ss. expenses, -£881. 10s; total, * USI. 4s. 5. PIll Mall beat Anuimsullonubt Sir Hyde beat Xnighst Errant ...


... Gnova: Gr~ouunDe, ?? Saturday, tics above and other grounds in the district were well patronised to witnless the underinentioned sports :-,At the Grove. the trial heats in Str. Corser's 12:) Yards Pedestrian Handicap, for £0a., were rico, for which SS podestrians entered. Subljoined is tho ricnning of the 1st and 2nd in ecal heat. -1s icat : A. Woedley, 22, beat Sauinders, 2431, by a yard.-2od ...


... 4UIHTING APPOINTMENTS. AT!sMsTeSONE-Friday, 1Iaxstok3 Castle; Saturday, Coombe, Al ALVATanHTOX-This day, .Grosall Station; Saturday, Boscobll, at 11. BEElIFOrT'S (DuKz ?? day, Trouble House; Saturday, l4ullavington, at UI. C6Ts3kvora.-Fridav, Rtowel Gate, at 11. CoTbvWoLD (Nowrui).-Saturdav, Hidcote Quarry, at 11. CoTrTSeMoIL.- This day, BythamI Kennels ; Friday, Stocliea l1MtV; Saturdaiy, ...


... I Afts :; NOTES FROM VERITAS. Baekers did not fare better at Warwick on the second dsv than they did on the first, and the overthrow of the Tufanta olt arki Corregidor must have put a lot of money into the uonlket of the professionals. The latter succumbed to iVallero, nsdidc his stabla compeslon Mmilapiha on Tuosdny * white the Infanta colt, who yses not alloiced to rmn for the W111oughby Cup ...


... 1 .T~ - RAOING0 NOTES Sport of an interesting character wee pr~ov'ided ah Gendow P'ark oon tloso econd daty of tile meeting, but backese wvere ngl eeily t tfault w-ith thieir selee.ttone, no thcy only sssceoedestin spot.I- tinig a couple of vinnuars ?? thu nfternoon1. Dlouranee. who tinished behind Thle hpong for thle Ailthorp Pork Stlisc ait North-I cuipton, cauteredlaway sithtlt te Sndon ...


... CRIFCKET. THE UNITED SOUTH v;. TWENTY-TWO OP KIDDERMINSTERl. This three days'nmatch, terminated on Saturday' in favour of t13 Eleven byseven runs. The conclusion of the grsne wasl at ralht eacitlog onle. The Elevej fnitshiaed theirserood lnning.? with, score of SI, end it scooted to ho taken for greoted that tiles i thaV07 rswould eatSilY win inl the secafli ?? wit-hoot sell Prj all their nien ...


... BICYCLING AT WOLVERHTAMPTON. On Monday, at tile Moileese Grounds, Wolverll optieon, ?? first lisrat of the closing bjicycle hantalcapi for itjce: ost were va-ii eff, amiid a rather sparses attrendastec. 'fTe race Is oeo utile, andl the prizes offered are a terst of £25., a second of £10., and a ts-ird of £~5. Thtirty-eight competitors entered-fit the Ior hecat (5, Owen, Birminghlams (90), beat ...


... VrcrossA CLUB. Tuesday, When held op to comparison with what transpired on the pro- vious day business ruled somewhat taene tisis afternoon. but for all that tots the Lincoln Hanslicap and the Grassd National coimmanderI notice. NeiLber Tollits nor Midlothian were quite suct good favouritos as osl Monday, as the former seas friendless at l1 to 1, whila a wager of 600 to 30 provesl the ...


... LONDON BJETTING. , ~~JJV y., 1 1 - M : L1 sL . VICTORIA CJsii, Tueslay. Only three wagers were transacted on the Waterloo Cup, i these being ftlly set out below; and ats the Derby provesi connarnatively a dead letter, no reference to the appended figures are necessary. THIE WA'r a;LOO CUP. 100 to i onl The Viel---offered. 300 ?? 2a5 gst Sir, Trevor's nominatiosl-taken. ,00 ?? I5 ?? 'ir. ...


... T morning of the concluding day Of this mee~ting, opene I` fine. But aso the timse approached for, the eomtnsneement of business a drizzlingI rain nososneised to fisl, and continued in- temtiil ?? the afternoon, The course was In a very heavy onditin, co thea company showed a fal ling off coinparedt With the two preceding, deys.a With a view to getting throogh tlie programmlne in goo d flute ...