Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B BRTHj.. o' mindiy ?? the Right t, on. taly MtlgroveiV- of a'dauighter, at lylulgrave-Caffle, near Whittby. - OWebiiefday, the Lady of Calossel Brown, latcl$ arrived feiarthe Bjhamfra lflands.oi a tan. ' - ?? AGES. : This morning. at the Holy T'riuity church in this toit, oy the Rev, r. H. Bromby, vicar, -JhFs ('ojkc, Eiq. of NeAvark-upeou-Trer, to ?? H. Midlcrorn, rclit' of the late Wvril ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES.' - : On Ttefday. fe'nnght, *r. Wiitaim Burfiall, of MarketiWesghtuinto Mrs.Cla'of Londefbi:orgh. On WcdvcFday laff, Mr. Robert LUnwood butther to Mifs Ha4na~h LeggttoF-Connvonio'Holernefb. At St. Mirj's ''c~rch ,on Tburfday George Brown, Efq. merchant, of this plic6, to Mifs Sazab Robin- ?? ,of Tbomas Robinfon>.Efq. ;- Dn Fria fe'onrigh~t. at Birmaingham; the Rer. .Baray.Peaeock, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On Monday last, at St. Mary's Church, Woodside, Mr. Thos. Lewis, pilot, of this port, to Alice, second daughter of Mr. Wm. Jones, cotton spinner, of Plintshire. DIED. March 24, aged 18, Westray Ibbs, after a long and severe illness. April 13, aged 16, Mary Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. Joseph Walker, auctioneer, Ulverston. MeaTINGi OF TAILOcs.-Lust night a crowded meeting was held. n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Re- Dwer rd Of beon ;cot- has and i. ions in of on i for OX- thso ton- that tlta rate 3ow idw. Drce oree sire a In ono be- it of old I lye be- not one 'd a d a the son- ing. Mr. dog ybe dy's has the e of zido tor; laid t of into nca- 'hat tary and hon- two ied, ther are- the rig i- 05W tton tber vhe- the tfor ajo- on it is Srle ;er- . to arpe Ma nivi- 1 . soto use fton liar- rick thur ten lich ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f*arriagc0, JMCU)0, aubo meatbo. MARRIED, Lately, at West Ham. Church, Antonio, eldest son 'of- A. Brady, Bsq. Plymouth, to Maria, eldest daughter of G. Rihser, Baq. of Ipswieh.S On Wednesday, the 24th silt, at Burnley, Mr i.Spencer 3 to Miss Jane Poley, a descendant of the learned and venerablo 'I Archdeacon Patsy. On Thursday, the 25th tilt., at Hampton Lucy, Warwick- F shiro, Mr. Henry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t1 orasges, birtlia, and uesebs, not properly aultheottcatd, Ontbeinsidici Id tibs papyer, and for this reason numbers 2i 2Z MARLRIED. Lately, at St. Martbn's- in-the-Fields. by h Rev,. Cecil Wray, 221 Edward Whiteside Peck. to Elizabeth,yfourt1h daughtern of the Ilawe Roblert Grayson, of Wigan., hrh rmte- On Ttlesdaj; the 14th salt., ?? 2 amrtea IShire.-Johu, son of the late Robert Peel, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 13 di~'arigsbrb eandtbsi,d'jt ?rc~~ uhetctd cannot- be in~erted i bsaeiedfrti osnubl Iaud ~hoireWs of- t~hv` Iae~ ~~t Lw~Am O~n Moendey th It instant, at tbo vioig J~~bae y1 the 11ev_*Mr t~ewot ?? alro ht ~ie oM O' Ellen. Moossthlrd ~uhe ftelt ?? Obffdwhal, einlreoit 8oURboC~dsdQtrfhltn EU; Owen, of.Coumid 1 sj! ~Il th o-e y.o1lSaIRPP .,on Wednesday the 14t ntnt tteUanCip~ ,V; ealdest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d American ourT, f3 to ais. per narrer or imomos neit. :e We are desired to contradict the marriage of Mr. Breretori, t- mentiosed in eur last paper. Our informant, it appears, vwas the dupe of gross misrepresentation. Aia r dd Pair.-4n Montgomery County, (Kent,) M. Y. M t 'S JdSe'Johnson, 18 OY 191 years of age, four feet one inch high. weighingsahout 751bs. to Xiss ioncy Fowler, about S6 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The charge for the insertion of announcements of Births is 2s 6d each. Announcements of Marriages and Deaths, properly authenticated, are inserted gratuitously, except where special intimations, such as INo cards:' or Friends will please accept this notice, are added, in which case the charge will also be 2s 6dG BIRTH. On the 4th instant, at No. 3, Grosvenor-square Lady Londesborough, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEkPiIS. The charge for the insertion of annoaucecmene Births is 2s 6d each. , Announcements of Marriages and Deaths, proelrl authenticated, are inserted gratuitously, ec, where special intimations, such as No carl or Friends will please accept this noticed, added, in which case the charge will also be 2s (id BIRTH. On the 29th of January, at New Holland, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIIS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. ir Arnold-Wrl, S e Primitive I Methodist Chapel t Stephens, e Mr William ArnoEd, to Miss e both n of Barton St. MaRy', Clark-Pearsona ept 25, at St. Paul's Church Hull, by the Rev. E. A. Lane, Mr Thoimas Clark, compositor, to Emily, second daughter of Mr Thomas Pearson, sawyer, all of Hull. Cooke -Thompsont. -Sept. 25, at St. James's t Church, Hull, by the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .tlarrfat0i anb Beatb0 MARRIED, On the 30th of October, Mr. Peter Macintyre to Miss Mary Thomas. On Tuesday, the 27th ult. at Bolton by the Stlnds, near Lancaster, Mr. Isaac Gaskill, of that place, bonesetter, to Miss Taylor, daughter of the Rev. James Taylor, formerly curate. of the same parish. The bridegroom has had three living and two dead wrives within the short space of thirty-three ...