PC ?? Notice of Birt

... h, Marriace, or Death can be fr inserted unless authenticated' by the name and r address of the sender. lhe charge fortheinsertion of of such notices when prepaid is Is. each, prov ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RITH. On Tueafay, in Hailey-Rreet, the Right Hon. Ladv. Charlotte Lenox, the Lady of Grtscral Ltflox, ,and daughter to the Duke of Goirdon, of a daughter, heing tbe twelfth chiid in, the thirteenth yearvf her marli.&ge. MARRIAGES. On Sunday fe'noight. at Hliackley, Mr. William Turner, bookfelier, of Hill (lately of Nottingham), to Mifs Sophia Hamilton, danghter of Mr. Ilamil- .to, n-annager ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -wmn- HER MAJfESTr's BIRTH Ddr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 18oO0 rlflHEIR Majeffies and the Princeffes came to St. AL James 's Palace at half paft twelve, where the Qteen, and her Royal daughters, dreffed for their appearance among the numerous company who attended. The Ode for the new year was performed in the Anti-Room adjoining the grand council-chan- b er. The Archbifhop of Canterbury delivered ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at MARRIAGES. [Dt On Tuefday lafl, at the Holy Trinity Church this town, by tihe Rev. James Stillingfleet, Aviton Terry, Efq. merchant., to mhiis Charlotte Jarratt, 0 daughter of the Mte John Jarrartt Efq. of thii place. On Thurlilav fe'nilight, Mr Taylor, of IHolrby, to W Mifs Webiler, of York. rg On Monday laft, at Gainfborough, Capt. irm. A- Andei'ton, ttr Mifs Latighton of the fanm e place ...


... AND DEATHS. A esoaeofO~ ?? pd ia mde for Mde ,alw tweae145 laddre95 0, 1/0 ,cr. is R,,EMi.On the 26th ult., atl3, Regent Park Avenue, Hyde Park, Leeds. the Vwife Of Arhh.r der, of a Ldauohter. .ARRIED. CArePCLLs .HOLLC ho 29th the 27th uI., at St. Slie Churbh, Lozelle (hy the 1lev. 0, G. Bleeerville. B o.A.I Jarnee, yo31eeut 1011 Tohn Wlialm Camohll , Al 5 ber. county Tyrone, Irelaud. to MAU ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . THE DEATH OF MR. VANDERBILT. | Oxf NEw Yoruc, Decehiber 9.-Almost uip to the .last fell moment Mr. Vanderbilt appeared oh necletH health, and was discus sing business with Mqr. Garnett, app president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. Great ox- I? an citement prevails in the leading hotels, and late into the F. I .Ofl night railway brokers were eagerly canvassing the p~rospct Tel, 'ed of to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. THOMAIS DALE. We greatly regret to announce the death of Mr. Thomas Dale, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. tho only brother of Dr. R. WV. Dale, of Birmingham. This melan- choly event occurred yesterday, at Cambridge, after a short illness which, until a few days ago, was not thought likely to end fatally. The loss is aill the mlre lamentable as Mr. Thoulas Dale, who was only ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3 1S, A~g. ?? X , AND DEATHS.'. ,, thiatert b;f'4 Sg .s~n~n wrrpfid. is mnide for the aeaec nticfr, enoi t*m~ziq1n, hrerdv e Fo er Ceryt additionarl, line (ten Qrssv 4ony'A ?? tt. Postalete mlutnd be remitted ill pap- ?? i3fnbrM b' te autheigtced by L4 namc ara enf-trtee ?? Atrner. BIRTHS. ffoLlttl&U s .-Oqn the 11th inat, at Weston Cottape, Selly Oak thO1 cnl of FranCiS IIollinshead. Of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARBIAGES, AND DaTW- A deser of O:tes Smu~rosr nrcpnid is st'n ior Sk li (>A esot str~s tgosAl Fio. Fawrsy addi word-s) sixp4ct cxmf POSWl Itoce; must bo ?f/Dde MI44 m J.io me= ni muas be aaenticted b: 2 addrw oef zjh o r BIRTHS. XLVILL&-OOn the 22nd inst, at Cape Hill. Smethwa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTBS, MARPRAGES, AND DEATHS. A hCurOC of ONZ ShLLT5N, Pjroad, is ?? Or OLe abome niot not c dgdi eng tasity sord. Ror eeery additionail lew (ten wurdeo Sizxoce rtra. Poo notw mnst t reesioted in pyrnee. As.neemenOt mur. be LtUentiCed by ihe %ame and address of the wader. BrRTHS. ?? the 13th irst., at 11, ?? Fort Road. the wife of W. H. Morris of a daughter. PAsELNSONe. e5n the l5th inst., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE PRINCE RUDOLPH. eMEDICL STAEIMINT. c [R~esdfr't k Teegrams.] VIasNA, FebruaryrA2.-The official 1Wiener Zeiung this morning publishes a medical statement, signed . by Professors Kofisn, Kundrat, and Widerhofer, , ex;plainingt the cause ol the Crown Prince's death as ascertained by the. past-mortem examination. The three surgeons give it as their opinion that- the a P'rince died of a. ...