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... LATEST NEWS. The Saxonia arrived at Southampton on Thursday, with dates from New York to Nov. 20. It is reported that the Alabama claims will have early consideration Congress. A resolution has been offered in the Senate declaring strict neutrality in the war pending between Great Britain and Abyssinia. A Fenian funeral procession took place in New York, on Thursday, in honour of the Fenians ...

1000 to 10 agst Red Shoes 'off.)

... 1000 10 agst Red Shoes 'off.) ENTRlES.—Handicap Plate of £5O. New T.Y.C.— Warrior, Sat ; 9st «lb: Neophyte. Claxton, each 41b , Wild Thyme. Cecrups, Qui Vive, Whitby, each 4lb; Ardniillo, Blue Mantle, each 21b, Duke of York, Forester, Medina, each set; Benhogli«», 7st 121b ; A D, Wagner, Usher, each 7st lllb; 7st Dalesman, CeTlerinc each 7st 91b; Mechant, Mazurka, each 7st 71b; Begum, each 7st ...

NEXT WEEK shall present each ef oar Subscribers with a USEFUL SHEET ALMANACK- Scarboro’Mercury, SATURDAY, ..

... CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR! WHEN the mistletoe graces the lordly halls, and the holly adorns the cottage walls; when trees are leafless and hedges bare; when tf,e north winds blow with biting aur; when the dav is short and the night is long, with the evening spent in mirth and song; when the swallows hlfve fed to a milder land, and the woodcocks fall every hand, before the sportsman murderous gun; ...

classified, and early on morning James Furncanx, Esq., of Plymouth. President of the Devon and Cornwall Poultry ..

... quite recently issued funny little work with funnier dedication to the Celestial but deposed father of the Shanghaes, entitled the Poultry' Pentaloguc, or five rules for fancy fowls fanciers, intended for popular use and purposes,” and who has officiated as judge at other exhibitions, commenced his laborious task of estimating and contrasting a great variety of sizes, colours, shapes ...


... Everlasting Punishment ’ is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches ef Christ, Scientist, on Sunday next. The Golden text is: ‘ The hope of the righteous shall be gladness but the expectation of the wickod shall perish.’ (Proverbs 10: 28). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from ths Bible : “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be un ...


... GUILDHALL, MONDAY, Jan. 23. Before the Lord Mayor and J. R. Mills, Esq. ed Garotte Robbery York. Three Privates in the 16th Lancers, named Henry Ahey, Wm. «, and Thomas Doyle, (the two former officers' n' were charged with robbing Henry Jones of . and two army medals, on the previous Friday even- Water Lane. Mr. G. H. Smith appeared for the P'isooer Brace. The prosecutor is gardener, and has w ...

LIST OF VISITORS. terrace. |» -» «^ o,,Se V^’Vw'vVi'i'ur House burn 22C'aveuaishllua6e House Mrs JtHinond House ..

... Mr. Itollon House Cameron, Misses South Kensington f» Osborne, Mrs Colchester r. Jossclyn, Miss Bury btLdumiuls o O&borue, 11 . . Austen, Mr, Mrs. nurse x baby 8 Sugars, Mr j:‘sX« M r 10 Ormsby. Mr Mrs Condon 10 Welby, Uev W 11 S A Mrs Harston, Grantham 10 Mackerell. Mr, Mrs family lialham, London 11 Atherton, Mr J A Woodhouse, Rastnek 11 Atherton. Miss A 11 Wilson, Mr uTI T 11 Wilson. Miss, ...

Scarboro’ Mercury, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 18SS- IMPORTANT TO RATEPAYERS. A Letter to the Worshipful THE MAYOR ..

... Suggesting without outlay, the erection of a Bridge over the Grove. BY MINOR HAG-S. IT has often occurred to others as well as to the writer, that a very great advantage to thousands who visit this Town—as weU as to large portion of its residents, would be a Bridge across the grove to the Railway, to enable the public to pass from the Filey road to the station without going by the present most ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Athorne. —On the Bth mat.. Grove House, Chelmsford, the wife of the Rev. ..

... Atborne, of a son (Alwyn Spencer). Hebden—-On the inst., at Throxenby Hall, Scar- borough, Mrs. W. Hebdeo, of a son. Stobart.—On the inst., at Spejlow Hill, this eonnty, the wits of William Stobart, of a son. Woodhouse.—On the inst.. at Rosslyn Honse. New- land Park, Hnll, the wife of J. T. Woodhouse, solicitor, a daughter. MARRIAGES. Boddy—Flinton.—On the 9th inst.. at the parish chare*, ...

AND LEAMINGTON GAZETTE. || a |; *:.S- OCTOBER 3. 1931. Established 1806. RefUteredbas a Newspaper- Three Half ..

... WEEK IN WAHWICKBHIKE. Ntrttja, miwvtaße«. A Qrallt*. Births, Marriages. Deaths. InMemobiam Notices and Acknowledgments, are charged the rate of fid. per line, if prepaid (eight words counted to the line). If booked the minimum charge is 2s. fid. Announcements must be authenticated by the name and address of the tender. Barker.— On September 29th, 1931, Jury Street, Warwick, Dorothy, wife of ...