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... By George Frederick. Home Rule and Donovan were to the fore on Saturday, and it is not a little singular that two horses bearing such a close affinity in the matter of nomenclature should have been successful on same day—Home Rule for the House of Commons and Donovan for the House of Lords in the person of the Dllk, of Portland. By his triumph Donovan has once again silenced his detractors, ...

-Liverpool Spring Meeting.:

... Liverpool Spring Meeting. LiVKJiPooL, SAi URDAY DulJ and showery weather prevailed t Liverpool on the concluding day of the meeting. This, however. did not prevent another large company from being present, and if some of the fields were rather small, interest in the racing was fairly well maintained up to the close. The Prince of Wales again honoured the meeting with his presence, and the ...


... LAWN TENNIS. Tournament at Roath. PIlay in this tournament was carried a stage farther :1,t the grounds of Roath Lawn Tennis Club }'eLsterduy. The tournament; will be resumed ana probably concluded to-day. The ti-s played yesterday resulted as below:- S H ANDICAP arci and J. S. Evans beat H. H. and C L W ilson (j-15 for ii bis.), .-core :-6-2, 6-1. (:iE:TLE.MEN CHAMPtOJiSHIP. ...

I-__| County Cricket in 1889

... County Cricket in 1889. THE CHAMPIONSHIP. The conclusion of the return match between Surrey and Yorkshire enables us to give the statistics of these two counties as far as first-class county cricket is concerned. The former have exactly the same figures as Lancashire (ten wins, three defeats, and one drawn game), but have been twice beaten by that county. Y orkshire, on the other band, started ...

[No title]

... sP8Ca ia ieft i°r any special event triv;i:. 6 tins edition is beioe printed oif. WELTER HANDICAP I Binfield •- Quakeress ••• St. Hubert 4 ran I I ...

- - - -TO-DAY'S MONEY. I —:;> - ,

... TO-DAY'S MONEY. SPECIAL TELEGRAM. STOCK EXCHANGE, LONDON, OPENING, 11.20 A.M. Business is more than usually restricted in the Stock Market for a Saturday, owiug to fine weather having induced many members to absent ¡] ¡ICmöel VQS. but prices show a general firmness. Goschen's Consols, 1-16 higher. Foreign Bonds are well maintained most stocks i to i higher Hungariansand Egyptian Preference H ...


... I Conference at Aberdare. 011 Monday a geueral meeting of miners' delegates, representing nearly every pit 111 South Wales and Monmouthshire, was held at the But'3 Arms Hotel, Aberdare, the object of the gathering being to receive and discuss the report of the committee which bad been appointed to consider the revision of the slidmg scale governing wages at the Associated Coalowners' pits, and ...

Liverpool Spring Meeting

... LIVERPOOL, THURSDAY. The majority of those who assisted at the Lincoln Meeting journeyed on to Liverpool last evening, and a larse and influential company patronised the sport at Aintree this afternoon. The Croxteth party reached the scene of action prior to the hoisting of numbers for the first race, but the Prince of Wales was not included in the company, His Royal Highness and Prince Albert ...


... ALLEGED ABDUCTION. At West Ham police-court to-day Thomas Hairold (38), a cripple,, Croydon, was charged with abducting Edith Honour uuder the age of IS, with criminal intent. The prisoner visited at the house of the gin's parents, and they thought she had gona to a situation. Prisoner was remanded on bail of £100. ...


... LATEST SCRATCHINGS. The Press Association was this morning officially infoinied by Mtssrs Weatheroy of the followinc KcratchinjiS: Stockton engagements—Devilfish, Dalwhinnie, Lady Cecil, Tynan, Frolic, Fringe, Prinse George, bnapioek. the Skipper, the of Beaufort's horset, A lay.1 or s houses. All engagements in Lord Zetland s name— Scottish Killg, Indigestion. Great Northern Leger, SLockton ...


... Newmarket Training Notes. ,II. Ol R :01' COKIU.SPO.N'DE.TI ) NEWMARKET. l'ues.iay, On the Racecourse side, Brown's Sby Girl and Galopade covered a mile J Cannon's Beliona going a mile and a half. John Daw. son's, jun, Felix and Lutzen went a mile. Hayhoe's Polomua, Vermilion, Flibustier, Heaume, Meaux, and Wayland uelrotiaed seven furlongs. Mumford's ul. loden galloped a mile. Rogers's Trenton ...