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... ERT CATTO have REMOVED from the shop in Castlesreet, to the shop of that New House in the Head of KING STREET, where they continue to carry on the TEA, SPIRIT, and WINE TRADE, and have just now on hand from 20 to 30 hhds of Powder and Raw Sugar, of different qualities, xhiclh they will sell very reafonable, whole- fale and retail; Jamaica Rum, Cognas Brandy, Hol- lands Gin, and Foreign Wines, ...


... Thbc last of the series for the season took place on ,gesday evening- There were only between three four hundred of an audience, and this leads us ire wvhat became of the Associates, who were to muster in such numbers at the practisings? °ecartnto telp thinking it rathershabby in those who so exe'plary in their attendance on the Satur- vs to withhold their countenance from the pub- ...

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... I 1 I J I 7 .1 I I I ? I I i I I I I . ~ ?? .q. _ . t ESLIE CRU[CX$f1ANKi, grateful to big friends 1 n ie public for the, favouscnerdohisne he commenced business, bogs leave to inforns them that he has REMOVED to that large and commodious Shop,- ?? Pra1i'i CAhdpe Gate, lately possessed by Messrs Strath-i'and 0amsoss. He 'also informs them, that he has nowv admitted into Partnership his Brother ...