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WarwiclfhWe Supplementary Militia. NOTICE is hereby given, Thatthe feveral Perfons enrolled to 'fervc in the ..

... of HEMLINGFORD, are perfonally to appear at the Head Quartets, In the Borough of Warwick, on Monday the 10th Day of April next; at Twelve ?? at Noon, to be trained and exercifed for the Space of Twenty Days then next enfuing, according to the Direc- tions of the AAs of Parliament in that Cafe made and provided. By Otder of the Lieutenancy oftlie faid County, THO. WILMOT, Feb. t, 1797. Clerk of ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1797
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14900 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds  john tanner 


... to ¢ roads into this provirice, have the fatisfaétion to affure bers and difpofition of our mi- your Excellency » that the num litia equal my m 6ft fangvine expectations. fal of Mr. C unoingham, in the have agreed to the propo 06 to raife a corps on the footin gof Major Hamiltoo’s. Lieut. General Earl Ctrnwallis to Sir of a letter from, d Charles-Town, July 25, 1780. Hen Clintagy, date rom ...


... G Nov. 8. this > ™S received * »fc3rn*!. H, h the Duke York, dated ot ' N °-tubQr, and , and th the * * ~ 79 -l» >* appears that the enemy, •U • a on ~ie in Uof N,1 which were ' anew in * the town, againft k fire imce b «p ' evening attacked the ,he fort T° St ' An,lr? * feM . !ei,te ant-General Abercrombie nt-Colonel Sir Win. Clarke were j ■ 'i, of this and Caj-tain V 'iily j - rt ! was ...

Published: Monday 10 November 1794
Newspaper: Reading Mercury
County: Berkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 292 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: john tanner 


... Satarcay : Vienna, OF. 26. HE diftingithed honor which Sir William amilton, Mi- nifter to the Cort of ° ‘es, meets with from or Cort, his arri- ye MEK ad val here, is very The day before yefterday, the faid Miniter, with his Lady, had the great honor of being invited to dine with both their Imperial Maiefties, to which he and his Lady were both efcorted in t ate- coach and fix, by Prince ...

MONEY. SEVERAL THOUSAND POUNDS Ready for immediate Advance, on Bond, Bill, Mortgage, Money in the Funds, ..

... Gentlemen, Clergymen, and Traders, may be accommodated with Two Hundred Pounds to One Thoufand Poundß, on the {Security of Infurance on their Lives, whffch will colt per Cent, the Cafh advanced fovtmny Length o Time on the Security of Inns ranee. No Letter will paid any Attention to but what is Poft paid; and from Principals mention ng every Particular, Perfons under Age Expects noes that will ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1797
Newspaper: Hampshire Chronicle
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 804 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: john tanner 

Servou* $ Debilitated Constitutions

... Nervous & Constitutions. O Medicine hitherto discovered has main- N tainea so extensive and durable a tation as DK. SOLOMON’S CELEBRATED CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD, for nounsbing and invigoraung the Nervous Sysem, and acting ass general Kegtorative to Debilitared Constitutions, If the efficacy of a medicine is to be judged of by the anency of its reputation, and the extent to which 1 perm is reso! ...

Published: Friday 14 December 1838
Newspaper: Shrewsbury Chronicle
County: Shropshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3835 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: john tanner