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SUMMARY-Foreign and Domestic

... Contrary to general expectation, the names of the Members who are to form the future Administration have not present been officially announced. From the London papers of this day have copied two lists, purporting to be the newarrangement. Of their authenticity it is impossible form a correct opinion. Tuesday 's, Gazette will no doubt remove all uncertainty on the subject. The Parliamentary ...

-Il«U**• Mt #M«-*wMf* Pf**

... -I l«U* *• Mt #M«-*wMf* Pf** KtnCgTO*. JAMAICA, ?? MM. ?? ?? own correspondent) . \_rswus ear •■ ■ *— r ?? *W^***w__Bl ?? pi tbe papew mens Mw Maik ?? ?? _- aedag upon Raian. a s aafts m m_s^_^» *n ■ • •he ?? .J-iT ?? Mat, setting tbem la amy -^a^y^JT^S— aTawamm, m te wages, ?? 5 3* •%•*■ aa.Oaaw_s-_eX wans a ?? MM . ite ■»— rr. P»,ii-i»i k a e-aaasswaoas, goos maa, • WW itev . bd. nw»w» ...