Advertisements & Notices

... Courland, or what is importeri from Lebara, Memel, or K.nings- lerg, or from she Carroliiir, and Southern Provinces iii r America, is reckoned unfit for foswing in this country, - and that although tome of thofe feeds have a promif- c ing appearance, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in Courland, or what is imported from Lebau, 'lfrmel, or Konings- berg, or from the Carolinas, and Southern Provinces in America, is reckoned unfit for fowing in this country, and that although fome of thofe feeds have a promif- ing appearance, and even ...

Advertisements & Notices

... May 1797- e The difmiflion of the American Commiflioner, d from Paris, and the probability of a rupture hetweerm France and America. render the affairs of the latter cotintry, and particularly the nature and origin of` r the difpotes between the United States ...

Advertisements & Notices

... only thus diffufe their influence on Scorbu- tic Diforders to the remote parts of Great Britain, but alfo throughout Europe, America, the Eait and Weft Indics, &c. To Mr. HAYMAN, Golden Square, Londorn. Sir, Loehee. trear Dundee, 30th June, 1799. ' fuilfered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... diltrefs. The Liberty, Vredenberg, from Philadel- pkia to Liverpool, has been taken by a French privateer on the coaft of America, E and fince retaken; the privateer is captured I d by the Delaware American loop of war. f = = ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Havannab. The Chatfworth, Lawfon, from Lanca fer to the We&t Indies, is taken by a Spaniai privateer, and carried to South America. P R 0 M 0 T I 0 N S. WAAR OFFICE, Aug 14. BREvET.-Lieut Colonel John Pratt, of the Royal Ii~u Artillery, to be Colonel in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bathing, and one after.- 'en minutes walk after is necesTary. TI.e Nervous Cordial has been particularly eflicaci.. ous ill- America, where even a thonfand perfons have been faved during the late prevalence of the yellow fcver. The Do/or particuiarly recommends ...


... thus difafntf their influlrense on Scorbl- tie Difordersto the remote parts of Great Britain, hut alfo tineoughout Europc, America, the Eaft arrd Wefl Indies, &C To Mr. HI-AYMAN, Golrcn-Squaie. Lontdon. Sir, Lochee, rear Dondee, 3oth tnnc, 1798. I ?? a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ancient Geography, belt edition, 1.. r. Ts All tihe latrel and blit Four-1heet Maps of the World, Europe, Afia, Africa anid America, Errfland, Scot- larri and Irelands-with a very great varitty of tihe beft two ibeer Maps and firgle ibeet Maps of all parts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Geography, bh belt edition, L. e. as r tV All the latef and bell Forrr hliect Maps of ?? World, P in Europe, Alia, Africa and America, England, Scot- Wvi - land arid Ireland-w ith a very great variety of the co ibed two ihhect Maps ansI Single fheet Maps of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dilcoverics of Captain Vancouver, ptr- is formed in thle years Ip9a, 1793, 1794, and 179g, of r the north-.vwil coaft of America. N B. The Puslic are reqcleued to take notice, _ that is this prrblication is pi eicntced to them for 4so 6d. the whole i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C. Chapple, Pall Mall: and -Booth. Duke-flteet, Portlarrd-place; and by all boukflellrs in Great Bri- tain, Ireland and America. 7aste EFD Dai. CLOTHIERY, HABERDASHERY, AND MIL- LINERY, In thr Hall of Mr. Gordon's New Inn, Caftleftreet, Aberdeen, on ...