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Advertisements & Notices

... Stool;, &l, muusb b~e eblongsile a. iull ou~ir baloro auveoltived hour of sali. ing. For Inrtet pearticulars, see Sailigu Bill, Bradshaw anud other (4t111i05 or a~pty; to theo Agenlts JOILSOUn, G~iologer, & Co. ,. Clia(cl Street, Live~rpool, or. 'IREz IIELOAST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... priacipal places in England, and vice versa. '1ickeets nut oltainrale on board. For fartcier istoraclth'a. ree Sailing Bill,. Bradshaw 'ldi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to principmal places in England, and vies versa. Ticke ts not obtainable on hoard. For further information, see Sailing Bill, Bradshaw and other Guides; or apply to JowaseS, GRUGERI, & Co., Hargreaves Buildings, 5, Chapel Street, Liver- pool; or to J ()1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... different Stations in England, and vice versa. Tickets not obtainable on board. For f urther particulars, see Sailin g Bill, BradShaw and other Guides; or apply to Messrs. GarINGER, BRISTOW, .&: Jo'cysos, 4, Chapel Street Liverpool; or to JOHN 1IKEE, Agent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PASSENTGERj and GOODS SEll,- -VICE TO ALL PARxis of Englanld anld C1io Continent.a For Train (Connections, Atc, le Saijlng Bill.' Bradshaw, Official Gtoie' , &o.: or Ip to S~u LITT-LE &- O., CHA1EA1PEST ROUTE -BELFA~ST TO LNO I rein Blelfast every TUF'rsii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... different Stations )4 in England, and nic versa. Tickets not obtainable on ol bosrd.I For furter partculars, ee Sailng Bill, Bradshaw end ITI otherGuide; or pply o Mesrs. GAIN9, BRISrow, & by tl Josessow, 4, Chape Street Liverpool or to JOHN ~t n M'EEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXPRESS PASSENGER and GOODS SER VICE TO ALL PARTS of England and the Continent. For Train Connections, &c., §e6 Sailing Bill', Bradshaw, Official, and Baird's Guide, &c.; 01 apply to J AMIES LITTLE & CO., 23, Donegall Quay. 6 IRELAND AND SCOTLAND. ROYAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast to principal places in England, and oioe verse. Tickets not obtainable on bo.,rd. For further partieuars,see Sailing Bill, Bradshaw and other Guides; or apply to-Messrs. JOINsON, GsvAiNosa, & Co., Hargreave Buildings, 5, Chapel Street, Liver- pool; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... live Stock, &e., must he slang- aide a. full hour before advertised hour of sailing. For further par-ilelars, see Staii g Bill; Bradshaw a, ard other Guides; or, apply to the Agents, Joaecco-N, Ga&Tnoon, & Ce,, 5, Chaspel Street, Liverpool; or, to JOHN UWERE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to principal places in England, and vice esran. Tiekets not obtainable en board. For further information, see Sailing Bill, Bradshaw sad other Guides; or apply to JOR:so; , eGNoER, & Co., Hargreaves Buildings, 5, Chapel Street, Liverpool; or to JOHN M'KEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stock, &o., must ho along- aide a feoil hanur before adrvertisedl hour of sailling. Fir farther particulars, sac Soiiing Bill; Bradshaw andl zbrGuides; or, apply to, the Agents, Jaeoo Girts,& Co., Ia, Ch'apxl street, LA'r7erpodl; or, to J3HINSK' Agent, 3't ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flfncip ld plac' inl Englan'd ,and Nie se~rsa. 'F~Jkts8 nut obtainable onl benard-, Fir further mi' irnuetion, see Sailing Bill>, Bradshaw filan other Guides; or a;i)ily to JoHnSoN,, GaLux~mi, & 0'o. laraea esBuiuins,5, Chapel Street, Li',c 1)unegnall Quay ...