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Grants to Western Isles

... the Western Isles. and to enable aSo student to undertake a cc Inverclyde, Largs. The curr Western Isles venturer on Ope e Caribbean, was assiste George's Jubilee Trust and The Prince’s Trust, from voluntary groups and individuals in Highland Region, The ...

L NICARAGUA * Sir, — In January, 1959, the ; Batista Government in Cuba was :overthrown by a revolutionary ..

... more fish in the communist , net. * The American Government has no option but to be interested in ; Central America. The Caribbean ~ Basin, of which Central America is part, borders the United States. 4Half of all US seaborne trade ~ passes through the ...

Lewismen at former U.S. President’s ranch

... of Luci Baines Johnson, daughter of the U.S. President of 20 years ago, to Mr lan Turpin, a Scot who is a banker in the Caribbean. John Angus was at the wedding because his wife Nancy trained at Glasgow Victoria with lan’s mother; and her bridesmaid when ...

War research

... present, carrying out research and collecting material on the role of Commonwealth soldiers, especially of Asian and Afro-Caribbean origin, in two world wars. May I, through the courtesy of your columns, appeal to your readers for photographs, news cuttings ...

ERN ISLES HEALTH BOARD ORKS DEPARTMENT ERAL LABOURER/ GARDENER ncy exists for a General rer with part gardening ..

... from: E. JAPPY Department Hospital Il Road way, Isle of Lewis date for applications: 5 85 Y/HOUSEKEEPER in the Islands, Caribbean. Relevant tions required, or minimum rs experience in similar posi rrent driving licence and three es required. Yearly contract ...

Miss Norma Helen Gray, only daughter of Mrs Gray, “ Alton,”, lvybank Road, Port Glasgow, was married recently ..

... “Gazeite,” who is now Press Officer at the Colonial Office, London, has been appointed Press Officer fcr the Royal Tour of the Caribbean in 1966. In this capacity he will be temporarily attached- to the Royal Household. Mr Carrocher will be responsible for ...


... esteem *‘air muir agus air tir’’, All thou;_lm turn homewards at this time of year. We’ve had news of another seaman in the Caribbean who says he would love a cold wintery night. If he was here we're afraid he would ...


... » [ 'Y \‘ 43 A A ’-v:M\TN b . A e D ii “ o . / - N .‘. S i~ A HOLIDAY N ‘ ~ MR R -, o~ 3 £ > f\:.,v v 1 »\l»\ TO THE CARIBBEAN én S R RPN il NS Vi .oS - = ol PLUS A PRIZE A DAY R DAP — ...


... hears, has also been promoted in the Navy, to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. He is currently serving on HMS Avenger in the Caribbean. School News: Advance warning here of the School Concert date, which this year is on Friday, December 16. So all expupils ...


... then itis surely unlikely to attract from him either a recommendation or a return visit to what should be the “Scottish Caribbean’. It is sad that the thoughtlessness of so few from within should spoil the pleasure of so many from without, and to those ...

Marlene charts out career course for college hopefuls

... promoted to a deck officer in charge of accommodation and training. At the moment she is home on leave after cruises in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and Scandinavia, and looking forward to a round-theworld trip in January. But it is not all sunshine and ...