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Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL and very VaabeFEHL id 1 ESTATE, consisting of five brick built HOUSES, with command- lng SHOPS, including the Cock and Bottle Liquor SHOP, situate Nos. - 79, 80, 91, 82, and 83, the centre houses between Cicil-street and Sails- It bury-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and very Valuable FREEHOLD -M ESTATE, consisting of five bricic built HOUSES, with command. lug SHOPS, inctudliog tlae Cock and Bottle Liquor SHOP, situate ENs. SD, 80,5, 8-2,a;5, the centre hosnses between Cicil-street and Sailk. lnuey-atceet, on the Scoirtl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and trusts, by their cont nued favour to support herself and three fatherless children. All Orders left at her house, Cock-and-Bottle-Lane, Castle- Street, or at E. W. SLAOs's, Baker, No. 1, Park-Street, will be immediately attended to. N.1B. Chimneys ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'remisees. '10 LET, and may be entered to inimediately, an excellent FRONT SHOP and I)1 elling-housc, adjoining the Cock aud Bottle, Uppereheald-Rolw, Leeds, late in the Occupatilo of Mr. W. Mk, AiitiPas and Matter. Also Two good Warehouses and a Gig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lhis Business, aiid can) produce at Character frorn his last Enaptoper. A pplic;;tiuni to be maen;d to Air. Lalvorief, Cock and Bottle hat;, Leeds. ANED, till AP5PRENTICE to tile Ironlmon- W gry usiness. A Ptemlil- it-will be reqriured. .Applieo- tioss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and wvelt-buallt house, with very exteneiave ted sttaclts of ware rooms, running backt npwnrds of 100 feet to tile EY, COCK AND BOTTLE PUBLIC MOUSE, &r. (tritich bitobions to fhill eattate), in Heatlrtofibry, also In Qiteet;. - street, Soho. o-tqoore, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and the Public in general, that he I JR has entered gponohredises, situated No. 16, Upperhead-Row (Two Doors below the Cock and Bottle IbnI w~lchhe inends PENIN Ioni Svavhe1th Instant, w¶ith a Choice Selection of LINEN DRiAPEIRY, &c Sit. which he hegs to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Public in general, that he - has entered upon the Premises, situated No. lI, Upperhead-Row. (Two Doors below the Cock and Bottle Inn,) Which he intends OPENING on SATURDAY, the 17th Instant, with a choice Selection of LINEN DRAPERY, &c. &c. Which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nearly New. For further Particulars apply on the Premises; or to Mr. Dre- William Smith, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, at the Cock and Bottle, Upperhead-Row, Leeds, - - - I I I Cobit Let, 5 .1tl 10t 1DUBLIC -ROOM TO BE LET AS A j LECTURE ROOM, &e.-The BURNLEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fender Kitchen Chairs; Oak Dresser, and Deli Case; B; BlTewing Vesse!s; Glase Bottles; Culitnary Utensils and Kitchen Riqusitese alsoa ?? of Burton t Ale, and prime Cider in Bottles. Sale to commecice at Eleven hi the Forenoon. or TO DAACHINNE MAKERS, FLAX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at the office of Mr. Haigh, Solicitor, Wide-Street, Selby. .r-PROPERTY at OSSETl',-At the House of Mr. Edw. Arh, the Cock and Bottle Inn, Ossctt, on Thursday, thce 27t Of .Iie August, 1840, at Five ?? in the Afternoon, in On or to more Lots as may he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Joili Moon, whom she cats confidently recommend, hehavingbeen afaithfulapprentice and assistant to her late husband. 3, Cock-end-Bottle-lane, Castle-street, Sept. 2nd, 1840. JOHN MOGG, CHIMNEY-SWEEPER,'and SMOKVE, JACK-CLEANE It, in taking to the Busa. ness ...