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Advertisements & Notices

... and all booksellers. 200 Receipts. Price 2d. complete. Forty illultrations. WHAT FOOD TO BUY, AND HOW TO COOK IT. LoU- W don: Ward and Lock, and aU booksellers. No. , 6d. THE FLIRT. By Albert Sadth. Dlow reacny, as above, price Sixcpence. the First Nuosber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... its finest and most esaiel pnases.'- Xerrs of thc 1'oi ld. A very pretty story with a cheerful ending.-Wccl; Times, Lor don: WARD, LocK, and TYLER, Paternoster-row. Now READY. TEE CHRISTMAS PART Or BOW H3ELLS (Part 1l1), For January, 187 , Price Is., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Victoria-street. CITY OF LONDON ELECTION, C 1874- ROTHSCHILD, GOSCEEN, LAWRENCE. TO-MORROW the Liberal Electors of Farring- don Ward will meet at the Schools in Harp-alley, at Two o'clock. On MONDAY a MEETING will be held in. Aldersgate Ward, at the SCHOOL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... road; each house containing four good rooms, wash house, gar- den, and other conveniences, in the occupation of Messrs. Hay- don, Ward, Gardner and Cases, respectable tenants at will, and under let at Sol. per annum; held for 75 years, at a low ground- r rent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... house containing four good rooms,* wash housegar- t den, and otber conveniences, in the occupation of I'dessrs. 1'Iay-' 8 don, Ward, Gardner and Cases, respectable tenants at will, and under let at S8l0 per annumn; held for ,5 years, at a low ground- rent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lock, and all booksellers. 200 Receipts. Price 2d. complete. Forty Illustrations WHAT FOOD'TO BUY, AND HOW TO COOK IT. Lon- don: Ward and Lock, and all booksellers No. 2 NOW READY. ShEtNTY ILLUSTRATIONS, PRICE 2d., TO BE COMPLETED IN TWELVE MONTHLY NUMBERS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and all bookseIlers. 200 Receipts. Prics 2d. complete. Forty Illustrations. 7[H.AP FOOD TO BUY, AND NOW TO COOK IT. Lon- W don: Ward and Lock, ant all bokesqUers. No. 1, 6d. THLE FLIRT. By Albert Smlith. No , ready, as above, price Sixponce, the First NThmber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all booksellers. , : 200 Receipts. Price 2d.,complete. Forly Illustrations. WjTH&T FOOD TO BUY, AND VOW TO COOK IT. Lon- don: Ward and Lock, and all booksellers. No. 1, 6d. THIE FLIRT. By Albert Sinith. No. 2. Sd MODEL MEN. By }L MEyliew. *bow ready, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vickers, Angecourt, St§rad. 200 Receipts. Price 2d. copilete. Fortytilluetrationa HAT FOODTO: BUY, AND:HOW -TO COOK IT. Lon- W don: Ward a&d Lock, and alt booksellera No.'2 NOW READY, SERf'NTY-TLLUS'IRATIONS, PRICE 2d.- TO BE COMPLETED IN TWELVE MONTHLY NUMBERS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HintsforYo anngouwwived e. Our Drawing-rooms. Subscrlptlonto the YoungEnglishwoman: yearly, 7a,. hal. yeazi7, a. ?? ' . don: Ward, Loek, and Tyler, Pabrno~tarorow, E.C. MI/glNDING BABY, a Beautiful Picture, isrinted in s resented with theTAN ARYMI1MBER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eC to be forthwith taken. Preaentations of aundry non-freemen were also miade by the luquests of Broad-street and Farrir don Ward Without, which th Court referred to the Chamberlain. Tbe Gaol Committee delivered In a Report, with the Annual Return to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? better, ard no v 'I o'n IMJ cbmont a Le,,as,' smay be pro moanced tve best of 1i1''-See TIl Timea, saio. 2,1854. Lo. don: Ward, Lock, and Tyler, Paternoster-row. THE EXPRESS, EVENING PAPER, T Price Twopence unstamped. In the EXPRESS, particular attention ...