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... b opportune effects whichl one is prone to associate b with mnelodramla liee Tn; Loam.L GD. By Couleon Kerushan. Len- t don: Ward, Lock;, & Co., Lim~ited. ie. y~e This powerfully-wsritten sketchi, which was oi- Cr ginally includedl ine the aulthnovs Book ...


... in. making a v-ery Amo srf prestirtable ook place so in first pa iii THEo IRSHs PROBLEM AND HOW To SOLVE IT. Lon- which I don Ward, Lock, & Co., Warwick H ,use, titled I a, Salisbury Square, ICC. The heE a, No sine can proeprly understand the present state ...


... by S. Baring-Gould, M. A. Eight vols. Vol. III. (Edinburgh : T. C. & E. C. Jack.) Gretchen. By Rita. New Edition. (Lon- don: Ward & Downey.) Autographs and Birthfdays of Eminent Per- sons. Compiled by Alice M. Rushton. (London: Sampson Low, Marston & ...


... hitherto maintained by the Keynote series. T ln ce With Death. And other Bellads I ?? ByCaampbel lRe-Brown. (lIon- . don, Ward, Lock, and Co. 1s.) 'bis coliaeim.c: Ld of Mr. Rae-Brown's deservedly popular readie gt L includes a spirited ballad, entitled ...


... parts, n. MAGAZINES FOR JANUARY.' th VFIRST NOTICE.] B. In Mh Mlilliner' atmi Dressmaiker. No. UIX., .Jaduary. Lou- st, don:~ WARD, Loose, and Co. de Thes Eeaglishtwoniun's Domme~sic Magazinoe. No. CLXXI,, Jan. h London: WARDi, LOCKc, and Co. at ,Syl ...


... Was ,agos not hbeir comparison with many former numbers. W li Goldesn Childhood. Part VII. New Series, July. Lon- mn ,to don:- WARD, LoCK, and Co. fo heir This magazine iucreases in attractiveness. There are til pietLures on nearly every page I and the ...


... Arctic seas, The book is illustrated, and has agood map. Illustrated Goldeso the lWar; or, Sultan, S'av, and Czar. Lou- don: WARD, LOCK, and TTaLnu, Warwick House, Pater- Eng- noster-row. This cheap compilatien gives much useful .information of tn a special ...


... vitality into her dranzatisi vrerso'rx. A Bi- for Forimae! or, Dr Nikola's Ven- detta. By Guy Boothlby. Illustrated. (Lon- (don: Ward, L'ock & Bowden, Limited. IS95.) -Of our newer romantic novelists Mr Guy s Bootiby is- withont ?? one of the most Y gifted ...


... (Londen e Effingham Wilson.) 'S Nature Poems. By Henry Wadsworth Long- ,f fellow. llustrated by Paul de Longpr. (Lon- , don: Ward, Lock t Bowden.) i Songs and Miscellaneous Poems. By John e Imrie. (Toronto: Imrie & Graham.) e A Little 'Pour in America ...


... maiden content? We know not: all the same 'Postle Farn is an interesting novel. Willow the King. By J. G. Snaith. (Lon- don: Ward, Lock & Co.)-Willow is not a flesh and blood hero, as might be supposed; Willow is a cricket bat. For this is a cricket story ...


... cosmmeund the work i to all e aigaged or iterested in literaryproduetiou. I , leiuoy's Garden Alinanack for 1382 (oan. don: Ward, Lock & Co.) is as usual full of accurate inuorsnatiou. regarding fruits, flowers, t and v'egctaoles. The editor says that ...


... above a : re ll orty o th hih rputtio ofthe society under of te, Golden Childhood, Part X., New Series, October, Lou- aid don: WARD, LOuse1 and Co. .rt, There is a decided improvement in this magazine of pure is literature for Sunday and week-day reading ...