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London, London, England

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WINDU L A1w. i J)sy

... Oc- tavo, 0So. fewed. This day is publilhed, price as 6d. A NTONrO, a Tragedy; as it was performed at 1 the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane. By WILLIAMNl GODWIN. Printed for G. G. and T. Robinfon, z5, Paternofcer-row. O f whom may be had,hy the fame Author, r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PasT0aeLLL-A N'oniLE. Anew'Ballet is in preparation and ?? be produced next W ee. Vivant Rex ct Rcgina. )f - e h' THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. Ths Eening, their Majefties Servants will perfrmn' A l'RIP to SCARBOROUGH. n After which, (7th time) a new cdmic Opera' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gtiuine., This Day is publilhed, TIIE VETERAN TAIR , a Comic Opera, in Two TiL AIdts, as perfornaed at the Theatre-Roy-l, Drury-lane, By S. S. ARNOLD, Jun. The rnuflic compocfd by Dr.. Arxoro. Printed and publifled by 3. Barker, -Dramatic Repofitory, Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sodj a, -Co., CtitletiS acriJ S'~Jiso-td 1Ph t' \5al 'Ii ufetiseui. LOT a RieNI.f lb 1 ie i tt the Theaitre Rboyald, II Drury-Lane, for at teens of I 'ine'-fti-e- sC'TU`s, pVen(_iIciug15 fhsilhugsg, and filseeice cvi sy tine 'of e~lir1 ?? or I-IiiC ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... principal Vocal Performcrcs.-Madamae Mara, Mifs Martyr (firft pcrformance), and Mrs. Mountain; Mr.I'. Wel~h (latt taftcr Wclh of Drury-lane Theatre), Mr. Vaughan, Mafter Ki.3t..r dirl ?? - lM.r- Smith. and Mr. Nield. Leader of the Band, Mr.' Salomon ; Couduccor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... alituration of. it fmi his Thcatre'-N~isvss -adlualsly prepared' wkh n~ it was heard that the Piree was gettiisg iij at Drury-lane. Ths 7D'ay is publiffhed-, pripe Is. 6d. THE NAUTICAL ALMANAC and ASTRID- fi .r-~NO.MICAL EIHLtMERlS for the yecar x~oi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n;4ft Ihattrrig Iat cr a adidr Mr. Tiosw;. r 4N. There was1 no intention of at all invading ±l±e propel--rt Thcatre-Roy4l, Drury-lane, tby. the publicatmin .Lf L25. Dunbl.-lt has bcen priitedt in reglar rott}iLI . alP Pu- fiont was deenlled a favourable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Poultry; Whcre may be had, DEAF and Du-i:r; or, the OarguAa, ?? es. -6d. The STANG A ,, as lfrformed at- the1 hcatre-Royal, Drury- lane, price Is. 6ed. :s,,oi,sc'l ?? .5il _ , s _ne. Ow'rziC' uf £OMAL4frCIid( CO -hfMlfl!sSIOlAFER oa. 7, Af/Ji -Frit-es, ilfab ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on any ltage; Mr. Ma c cannley, ditto; MIafRer Broadhurft, ditto, on any fRage. Mrs. b Macartney; from the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane (4er firit ap- a pes ance ot this itage thefe two yeafs); daud MifsDenny, from tle Kag's Thesetre (her firlt appearance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Supper-roomns at one, at 5s. each perfork | t~ Dre~ffes to be had ini the rfloufe' on thc evening. -.t THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. a RS JORDAN rep¢fully informs th!e Public I thtat her NIGH'isfixed ?? y, the tcth of May S Under Patronage of ?? Highrnefs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mufic Shops in Cheapfide, Strand, Haymarket, Pall'Mall, and Bond-ilrcer. For the BENEFITof Mrs. SiDDONS. THEATRE-ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. O N Monday-next, their Maje~fies Servants will aea1 t..Shakerpearc's Tragedy of MACBETH. Macbeth, Mr. Xemble; Lady Macheth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tavifth'cl-ftrelt, Co- sto.gadn and tiflMt. Brandon, atthceThta'r~, Mhcre 1'tacef for :lie LSxea maly be taken. THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE, MiR. IKELLY refpleclfislly informs his I c ienls And 1..the Publie, that his Beriffit is lixed for W'tcncI'diy the thc ...