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LONDON, March 13 The

... plan, called the Song of written by the late Chance lor . and fet to made by Mr. Linety, jun was performed lart ni t ht Drury lane theatre fur the firrt time. It was received with uniter lit .-.pphiufe. Hops fold this morning in the Borough, bags from ...

at Mr. Slainlon’i, Bloffom’s Inn, Laurence-Lane, and at tlie Conjiitulion Punch-Moufe, Drury.Lane

... at Mr. Slainlon’i, Bloffom’s Inn, Laurence-Lane, and at tlie Conjiitulion Punch-Moufe, Drury.Lane A liifpatch is arrived Lord George Germaine's office, front tlie Commander Chief at Fort Chatret, in which account is given a new colony fixing by the Spaniards ...

Paper may be conftantly feen in LONDON, the Cbapm, Peck's, & Nrw Lloyd's Coffee-houfe, at Mr. Stainton's, ..

... Peck's, & Nrw Lloyd's Coffee-houfe, at Mr. Stainton's, Bloflbm’s-Inn, Laurence-Lane, and the Corjiitution Punch-Houfe, Drury-Lane. WHITEHAVEN Printed JOHN WARE sod SON. tithe PeiwTiHO-Orrict in Kino Strut j where Primiog H'crk in general ir performed ...

LONDON, September 27

... the ftrange methods of raifing money the Lottery, perhaps the following is the mot ¢ traordinary. Jn a Barber’s fhop in Drury-lane a bill, intimating that ‘¢ Gentlemen ‘haved the: and paying three-pence, fhall be entitled to fi if anumber delivered to ...

This Paper may conflantly feen in LONDON, at the ChafUr, P t & Ne-w Lloyd'. Coffee-houfe, at Mr. Sta.ntcn'., ..

... ChafUr, P t & Ne-w Lloyd'. Coffee-houfe, at Mr. Sta.ntcn'., Blodom’s-lnn, Laurenee-Lane. and at the ConJlitMtio* Punch-Houfc, Drury-Lane. WH.TEHAVEN . JOHN ARE SOM this Paper air G. Robinfon, Pater-Nofter-Row, London : the Charter, I cel *, and New ...

Uglit pieces of cannon. Ihe whole J't abou* rivo hundred men. 'i he ii.ihufl

... Chapter, Peele’s, & New Cotice-houfe, at Mr. Stainton’s, Bloffom’s-lan, Laurence-Lane, and at the Conftitution Punch-Houfe, Drury-Lane. WHITEHAVEN : Printed by JOHN WARE a od SON, atthe Peintinc-Orrice in Kine 3 where Print ing Work in general is performed ...


... Peele’s, & New Lloyd's Coffee-houfe, at Mr. Staintcn’s, Bloffom’s-Inn, Laurence-Lane, and at the Confiitution Punch-Houfe, Drury-Lane. WHITEHAVEN : Printed by JOHN WARE and SON, at the Prin Tine -Orrice in Kino-Street ; where Printing Work in general is ...

... Peele’s, & New Lloyd’s Cofiee-houte, at Mr. Stainton’s, Bloflom’s-Inn, Laurence-Lane, and at the Conftitution Punch-Houfe, Drury-Lane. This Paper may be feen in LONDON, at the Chapter, » Tavern &c. &c. done at an Notice.-----Advertifemets, & WHITEHAVEN : ...