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COURT OF KING'S BENCH, Thursday, May 26

... Dundas, tbr seducing a daughter of the Rev. Dr. Adams, Dean of Cashel.-Mr Mtacready had a bumper benefit on Friday night, at Drury- lane Theatre. He planed Coriolanus with his usual ability; cml afterwards Putf, in tile Critic. In the latter performance, says ...


... alarm being given, one of the seven geese was missed, when the prisoner was pursued and traced to Peacock's publie-house, Drury Lane, hut nothirg was fcund upon him. The witness who watched the prisoners movements, stood on the opposite side Of the street ...


... days, as a drunken and disorderly prostitute. Themoe Thonipsen was cbnvicted of an assault on Mary Hodgson. in'her own'shop Drury Lane, on Tues- day night, - when desirisg him to pay for some oysters which he had just got ard eaten, and was ordered to pay ...


... orders, each for 51. This le put in his pocket. and ticy then went to I1r Ward's public house, the Duluc of Wellington, Drury Lane, and had some more drink. While in the house, the prosecutor laid Isis head down on tie table and fell asleep. When he awoke ...


... THEATRE A panic wias narrowly averted'at L.h- Grand Theatre, Crpydan, during the petforrnaccE, on' Uoncty eveninz, of tho Drury Lane drama, fiHman Nature. 1n the middle of one of the military scenes the beavy 1Wrun Gr -procf tcurtain auddenly descended ...


... mop-maker to trade, was brought up charged with stealing two mops, the property of Mr Walton, whose manufactory is situated in Drury Lane. It appeared that the prisoner had been employed by MrWalton, until a few weeks ago, when circumstances occurred which ...


... -ck Yates as Biddy iNoutte, a low comedy part, in A Desi at See, in 1836, and other irmilar riles. She went thence to Drury Lane in 1839, where, undir Nfacready, she played Beatrice in . Nluch Ado. and fonnd she had a talent for the inter- . pretation ...

Police Courts

... wounding James Peterson, a ?? prosecutor said that on the night of the 17th ult, he went with the female prisoner to a house in Drury Lane, where she became abusive. The male prisoner came into the room and struck him over the eyes with something, the blow knocking ...


... with his activity. -On Thursday night, a fire broke nut on the premises of Mr Head, a linen draper, in Blackmoor Street, Drury Lane, London. Two of the inmates, a young woman, named Roffell, and Mark Patteson, a shopusman, were burned to death. Mrs Head ...


... lessee of Drury Lane Theatre, against Air Sims Reeves, for a breach of agreement to play and sing at that theatre, was tried in the Court of Common Pleas, in London, on Thais- day. Mr Siiis Reeves agreed to sing fortwelvenightis at Drury Lane, at forty ...

Police Courts

... sureties of £25 each. SUNDERLAND.-FRIDAY. LIQENSING PROSECUTION. Thomas Hende-son, musical conductor at the Wear Music Hall, Drury Lane; William Gilbert, negro comedian; Matthew Skeen, who wore the uriform of a private in the 106th Regiment; and Thomas Armstrong ...

Police Courts

... Brady, by striking him on the head and breaking his leg. It appeared that the prosecutor, who is a sweep, living at 19, Drury Lane, was in Dene Court on Saturday night. The prisoner and another man were fight. ing, when the prosecutor interfered. Shiel ...