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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Police Intelligence

... of the magistrate. She said her name' ' was Harriette Jesse Nelson, that she lived at No. 3, Cross-court, Vinegar-yard, Drury-lane; that she was a widow, and earned her bread by working as a laun- i dress, had three children, and was in very destitute ...

Police Intelligence

... magistrate. She said her name Ha ?? was Harriette Jesse Nelson, that she lived at No. 3, Tfha le Cross-court, Vinegar-yard, Drury-lane ; that she was waa, Aa widow and earned her bread by working as a laun- day Pdrs, had the Children, and was in very destitute ...

Police Intelligence

... assistance of the magistrate. She said her name was Harriette Jesse Nelson, that she lived at No. 3, Cross-court, Vinegar-yard, Drury-lane; that she was a widow, and earned her bread by working as a laun- dress, ild three children, and was in very destitute ...

Police Intelligence

... station-house on the charge of horse stealing. He'found two keys on Callin, who he tound 22, Blackwore-street, Drury-lane; and at the residence of Montjoy, 16, 1lellis-street, Clare-market, he found an iron chisel, yrhich the prisoners mother ...

Police Intelligence

... he hail taken altogether seventeen pieces of Is, lawn and two IIozen uif handikerehiefs, to Newman, the 05 pawnbroker, in Drury-lane, and that he had also taken to ,I the sante place twventy or thirty yards of vesting satin, as and a, qsitntity (if satin ...

Police Intelligence

... prisoner said he had taken altogether seventeen pieces of lawn and two dozen of handkerchiefs, to Newman, the pawnbroker, in Drury-lane, and that he had also taken to the same place twenty or thirty yards of vesting satin, and a quantity of satin scarfs, but ...

Police Intelligence

... prisoner said he had taken altogether seventeen pieces of lawn and two dozen of handkerchiefs, to Newman, the pawnbroker, in Drury-lane, and that be had also taken to the same place twenty or thirty yards of vesting satin, and a quantity of satin scarfs, but ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... lodgiglig.ouses. On Thursdlay dVI mnornig, ?? half-pa-t six o'clok, Nwhilst he was sit by walking across Little Russell-court, Drury-lane, 'he d, saw a bundle iling in the centri of ?? pathway. n-.Witness pulled fit about, and discovered that: it con. e, tained ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... custody at an J early hour that morning, on a charge of feloniously entering a linendrapor's shop in Blackmoor-street, I Drury-lane. Hle had undergone au examination be- fore the sitting magistrate at Bow-street, and had been committed to Newgate to take ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... tnot detect the slightest trace of either mineral or vegetable poison. Mr. Welsh, licentiate surgeon, from Dr. Walker's, Drury-lane, said that about a a fortnight ago ho was suddenly sumnsoned to attend deceased, whom ho found stretched upon her bedia ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... not detect the slightest trace of either mineral or' vegetable poison. Mr. Welsh, licentiate sPirgeon, from Dr. Walker's, Drury-lane, said that about a LI a fortnight ago lie was suddenly summoned to attend d deceased, whom lie found stretched upon h'er ...