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and that the reit of the Flota arriv'd at Vera Crux. T the Court at St. Left Week two filly

... Flota arriv'd at Vera Crux. T the Court at St. Left Week two filly Boys palling through James's, the Holford's Alley in Drury- Lane, and talking of Jannar*il72ssPre• foolilbly to one of the Madams there, giving lent the Kin's molt her as,flie pretends ...

11.:(!:lingtin, and t /ife, and robbing the ; they II! 6:trifefed the Fads, but the Jury were, nut to bring

... Portugal, Current in Ireland. From the Whitehall Even. Poii, Feb g. 4 I aft Week one Mr. Mayne, a pooh Bo o k. it:ler, in Drury-lane, was into of a Metenvr, by a Warrant from one ofhiS Maielty's Principal Secretgies ot St a te, for Prin. tint a tile. Libel ...


... School. Prom the pally Joyful Feb. Saturday the Coroners-160a fate a the body of Mr. Gower, killed by Major Oaeby, dt the In drury-Lane,and brot in their walla Wilful Murder. Alto the fame Night, the fame Major apprehended in Golden. Square, and committed ...

1111 010 7. 1 1P.•••••Pli • Ai' Daily Poe, Pleb. ti; Saturday being the isfi Day of the Term, he

... viz. Samuel Sells and John Mattockson Friday next. • The fame Day Major Oneby, that kiU'd Mr. Cower at the Calle Tavern in Drury-Lane, was by a Habeas Corpus, remov'd from the Gate to Newgate. Dublin, Feb. i They write from Killarmy, that one Mr. Steel a ...

Frcm A Written Letter, London April 4

... Mary was ino. colatcd for the Small Pox. On Wedriefday a Woman that kept a kind of a Cof1:4; both in Princes ftreet near Drury Lane, threw herfelf out of a Window two Stories high into the Street, and died the Satur. day following. The .Right Honourable ...

diciMeesatidAidaZtabtotiroderesct.- lietVlitte°•l332l3B; MT IV *Wet • Tins is to gite NOM ri` Gentleit. magi ..

... wi n kle. G oa t. is made woman o f that Gentleman, for killing Mr. Gower, at the . tbiesteraratorepirgi CattleaTavern in Drury-Lane, theConrt arcked • • dal SeMehltrit4.-d.tklis iiNeiiiiislrbie - '_ - t Waded BIT is to be bt an libe 111 - Chat,2l` p°o ...


... 7 On Thurlap.y Night, about it, John Compton, Dravrcr at the Crown Tavern in Drury- Lane, choaled with a Bit ()Mutton which he wits catin 6 for Supper, and died immediately. On Wcdnefday lift Mary Strawbridge was committ:d to Newpte, for Mmembring a Gentleman ...

._..... _ _ . . iihnninifOstfitiltneG Walreikorehini to his be at he Pprea44treet, in Thtfe itrolig 111 1 ..

... whichjle is eapitatY . convi il. .1: 1 .: '' t 07. taft Mottling Mild Barnell, a Piece Sc Broke,r in Wllite-Horfe Yard, Drury-Lane, and. ! - ,P, 1 iI.WI •• another Perlon ilriving to outvie each other in TO bet SOL& tlie gip drinking Brandy at the ...

take the Air on Foot, in a Deihabille. His kiighnefs had no fooner perceived her Ladyfhip, than he turn'd his

... Ladylhip continued her Walk. Laft Thurf3ay Night the King, Queen, Prince of Wales, and the Pri , were all at the 'Theatre m Drury-Lane, to Sir Courtly Nice afted for the Benefit of Mrs Oldfield : But be. fore the Play began, a Gentlewoman prcfen ed a Book ...


... and him in Cuitody of the C.entry that tl:c . other thro' Fear, (not having ; the Money about him) took him to his in. Drury-Lane, where he gat:, him Vali.. Gu!c.ea. The next aty. the f . :kid Mitch4l. 4 3;icty Houre in'the fame threatnirig Maniie6 ...


... oftlie , Mary Barber, alias Buffet, the Keeper of niards to our Countrymen 4 will, no doubt, draw the Fountain Tavern in Drury-Lane, was try'd on them Vengeance ot our Superiors, and it on an indiament for robbing Mr. Crey of a is not doubted but they ...

.rgl LeoftQffe

... jefty’s Ship Leoftafte. Yefterday dy’d Mr. Chambers, an erdinent Pawn-broker in Drury Lane, reekon'd’ worth 30000}. he has left two Sons and two Daughters. On Saturday laft Juftice Batteley was private- ly interr’d in Weftminfler Abbey. Commadore St. ...