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... Stupinitz, near Turin. ; This morning died, at his apartments in Salifbury- ftreet, of the confluent fmall-pox, Mr. Charles of Drury-lane theatre: A gentleman no remark- able in the exercife of every private virtue, than he was +n that walk which fo detervedly ...

77,J /)

... it i.- at this Time authenticated by Letters Patent. Sold at a Warchoufe, at Mr. Evans's, Gold-beater, in Long-Acre, near Drury-Lane. London, ss. the Pound, 2s. 6d. the Half Pound, and is.'3d. the Qtiartferit. Good Allowance Merchants, Captains of Ships ...

Published: Thursday 28 December 1769
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1108 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... linn, without being in the halt prejudi- cial to our own 111 count, y men. We aie allured that the receipt of Drury-lane houf. alrr-sly exceed, the amount of any nhole leafon ;— fo that thii may with giant propriety be filled ihc Maoi- gtjijubilee ...

LONDON, Sept. 28

... further confideiaiion of this iffair wi! pultponed 'till neit court. Lift night their Majefliei were it the Theitrt Royal in Drury-lane, to fee the dnmitic piece of Cymon, •nd the Devil to piy , the fpefjlator! hinted their Ma- jeftiei on their entrance, and ...

LONDON, Tut ioa v, June 11

... Thornbury in Glocefterfhire, and one of hit Majefty i Chaplains, to Mif* Martha Thur- fton, of Thornbury.— Mr. Cautherly, of Drury -Lane theatre, to Mils Blanchard, a young lady of conhsic- rablc fortune.— The Hon. Archibald Douglafs, hl.j; to the Right Hon ...

M O N D A V's P O sS T

... ge it faid to be obtained in a Mr. Crolt, Lite c ifaiioi. 1 near Temple-Bar. This young perl'on is engaged, we hear, at Drury-lane theatie. We are allured, that his Majcfly fignirled his ciefire on Thurfday lall to the great officers oi Hale, that tiiey ...


... poor Frank theie live and twenty years, and I never could rind nny thing in ir. The death of the late ,\lr. Holland, of Drury-lane (who was the fbn of a baker at Chilwick) lud like- sviie a very great effect on Anllophanei's Ipirits when lirll he heard ...


... whole compting- houfe colt him 50,000!. the papering— -with Lottery Ticbtti that ha-vt bttn dra-wn Blanks. Mr. King, of Drury-Lane theatre, hat paid the fum of 90001. lor the purchafe of three-fourths of the property of Sadien-Wclli. The middle of laft ...

LONDON, Oct. »**

... A ?? obfcrvei, that the above accident puts him in mind of the following circumftance, which happened a few years ago at Drury-Lane.— A perfon who had been at the back of the firft gallery, on a vei y full houfe behaved fo trodblefome and unruly, that ...


... the operations which wen- made ufe of lor relloring him. A young gentleman (deal and dumb from his birth) haiing been at Drury-Lane Theatre on Monday, to fee Mr. Garrick perform the part ol \tamlp, wasquef- tioned :.j to his opuiion »l the performance ...

?' calculated prefent Advantage the Gentry at Bath being that Part of the Stock in Trade late in the PolTeflion

... ferviCes in Majefty’s to rank Vice of White On Saturday night Mr Allen a lately famaica was tak'en violent fit of coughing he Drury-lane and finding hitnfelf lie into where he foon after up a large quantity blood and as men were carrying him lodgings in Lopg-Acre ...

Published: Monday 13 January 1772
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2954 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

ti A T If, UTovfsijav, Ja.-i. Ti

... Monday, C rioncko, wilh En(iitainmeiit«i We hear, the 1-aut of -Like MnjUr Like Man, as pif'« foimed at the Theatte-Royal in Drury-Lane, ir. in ic. licit Id at the Theatre hue, and will ll.urtiy he played. '• ...