... it was not till then the present charge was made against her. The prisoner was committed for trial. } Tuearne At Atiess,—Drury Lane, as I read (or think that I read) thirty years ago, allowed sitting room for three thousand eight hundred people. Multiply ...

DOMESTIC NEWS. POETRY. MELANCHOLY. Kixa's Coreear,—The fifteenth annual meeting of the Governors of King's ..

... blavk sp;\:‘cl letoff in Drury-lane. I was going 10 the shooting-gallery Jeft in the warrants or official delivery ocuments subsein Drury-lane.” qucn!ly {0 the passing of the same in the Long-room at Edward Mallers, of 129, Drury-lane, o dealer in un- | the ...


... annual general meeting of this nassociation (legalised by Aect of Parliament) was held on Tuesday week, in the Theatreroyal, Drury-lane, for the purpose of reeciving the report of the commitiee, and distributing the prizes ; the Duke of Cambridge, ehairman ...


... it is incumbent upon a medical man to procure and exhibit. —Albert Smith, Quite ANoruEr Patr or SHoEs.— A shopkeeper in Drury Lane informs the public, through the medium of an enormous placard over his door, that he has ** 20,000 pair of shoes for the ...


... which the steam-boat swept lim and hLis mate, mude about the swme impression on his gonsorinm us a weil-managed scene at Drury-Lane would have done. His atfention, therefore, was chiefly and agreeably oceupierd by the daty of inspecting and direeting the ...


... as he seemed invulnerable ; for we are told of his meeting with a lieutenant, in coming out of the Horse Shoe tavern in Drury-lane, who had great jingling spurs on. He challenged him, saying, ¢ The noise of your spurs offends me; you must come over the ...


... Geutlemen of England, with A. Mynn, F. Pileh, und Dean, bas been won by the Cam bridge. The bowling of Hillyer won the game, Drury-lane Theatre i« to open early in the next month for the Euglish Opera and for the ballet. Covent Garden is already preparing ...


... and agricuiture, dicd at Hayswater, Lovdon, aged 60, 1848 Miss Webeter, 8 danseuse, accidentally burut while prrforming at Drury Lane. Not enly.were there none smong the spoctatoes su®ciently eournzeous to sttempt to Foscue bor from death; but, after wailing ...


... he had tetter puy the money than die miserably and lose his eternal happiness.' The letter was nddressed to a party in Drury-lane, and bore the Southawpton post-mark. ~Lnaily News. CHARLES BUTLER'S EASY GUIDE ta GEOGRAPHY axn USE or tHE GLOBES, With ...

©of Achilles’ deeds, or Agamemnon's fame, Which the great Homevin his works prociaim ; How Ajex fn-:il, and ..

... secrvied oil the writing materials from the eye of ber master, Thie lonest meatal deserves the gratitude of ell the habitufs of Drury Lane Thesire.~Lord Maidstone had written wnother letter 10 the Times, when & friend, to whom the communieation had beon read ...


... intention to return to the stage, and it will not be Mr, Bunn's faultif the ** legitimaie drama’ is not again witnessed at Drury-lane Theatre before the close of the present season, AP eRRT T e L N PTG Repear or Tae Winnow Tax.—On Tueldly‘ night, & meeting ...

100 =~ 1 — M-r \-lerr\'i l.h-né;!:;:é (lakeh)

... ¢ Bannisters, Southampton, Sunday, ¢ Jan. 10, 1847, ¢ Sir,—You desired that I would state my lowest terms for activg at Drury-lane, and 1 did so. 1 regret that they did not suit you. ¢ I am Sir, your obedient servant, ¢ FRANCES ANN BUTLER. “To Alfred ...