... has been retained by M. Jullien to make up his accounts. His difficulties are attributed to his bringing out the opera at Drury-lane Theatre. M. Jullien, before making himself a’ bankrapt, offered his creditors 1,500/, per annum out of his future professional ...

Fmperial Paviiament,

... court; Look up, ye Britons; cease to sigh, For your redemption draweth nich. HOUSE OF LORDS. - Fripay THE FRENCH DRAMA AT DRURY LANE. The Earl of FITZHARDINGE presented two petitions, which he said were of considerableimportance; one was from Mr. Webster ...


... to about 89, are £275. R. W. Dibdin, Lewis Hippolytus Joseph Touna, Fsq., to Mary A question was rlndudl ;x:ucll‘: :ihe Drury-lane The- | Aun, .:.::l :;-uhw of the late Charles Dibdin, Lsq. atre Committee could ¢! e dresses, .cmdjng to On 1l inst., at ...


... scparate sale shall be deemed a separate offence, Irisu Syseatay.—We are credibly informed that many of the Irish about Drury-lane got drunk on Thursday in celebration of the bloodshed and bolduess of the insurgents at Clonmel and Carrick, s the papers ...

Seneval Netos,

... and if anybody will find aspot in England reaily high-dried he will prove himself up tosnuff by advertising it at once.” Drury lane Theatre is prototyped in America, ““ Shakespere asks the New Vork Tribune, Yes, we think we have heard of him. Oh, yes ...


... mensures against the spread of this frightful diseuse. In consequence of this order, the nssistauts of Mr. G. A. Walker, of Drury-lane and St. James's place, have been busily engaged in inquiries respecting the health of those districts. Although they found ...

By M. Davies, Esq., SEc. Nar. Pair, Assoc

... knowledged, Mr. Walker was, in the year 1838, a ycong man Jjust commencing life ns a surgeon and general prac. titioner in Drury Lane, when the subject of intramural interments arrested his attention, and he was forcibly struck with the foul practices pursnedin ...


... Neither bury nor burn within the city.”” Let the Times editor look over the piles of evi© dence at St, Jawnes's-place, at Drury-lane, or at the office of the abolition society, and more especially it Mr. Walker’s ponderous “ Album™ of graveyard facts, and ...


... ART-UNION OF LONDON. ’ The usual annual meeting of the subscribers to this association was held on Tuesday at 12 o'clock in Drury-lane Theatre. The attendance was not so numerous as on previous occasions, and the damp und cheerless look of the theatre threw ...


... of the Nations! Associa. tion for the Protection of British Industry and Capital was held on Tuesday, at 12 o'clock, in Drury-lane Theatre. Awong those present on the platforin were—the Earl of Malmesbury, Earl Stanhope, Lord Redesdale, Visconnt Combermere ...


... , has been opened as a place of worship by the Roman Catholies. This ‘bailding was on the north side of Charles-street, Drury-lane, within a few doors of Newton-street, ; Holborn. Dr. Faa, one of the priests was announced i to preach on Sanday evening ...


... of water that occasionally dripped into the well. She stated that her name was Ann Delaney, residing in Charles-street, Drury-lane ; that she was on her way to Chatham to see her brother, who had enlisted on the previous Tuesday, when she mistook her ...