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Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... The rensaining portion ofthe artists are selected from the o orchestra of the Concerts Jullien, at the Theatres-royal, 3 Drury Lane, Coveist Garden, and English Opera House. . The prograsnuso svill be selected froni the works of thle great Dasoters, also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l'ablic is respectfully informed, that MIR. POWER, the celebrated Irish comedian, (of the Theatres-Royal, Co- vent Garden and Drury Lane,) is engaged to perform here Y Osc: NIOHr, previous to Iis departure for Americes, and that he. will make hs appearance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... La1te!st Sa~10voSucceass HADDON IhALL. IRINCE'S'THEATRE. 'T0-NIGHT, at 7.30. a. Sir AUGUSTUS HARPIS'S COMPANY, in the latest Drury Lane drama, THE PP ROD I'GA L DAUGHTER. * Mondav next, May I, The CALYERT.COWVPER, COITEDY COMPANY in LI FE AND HONOUR. f x Ohlce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' ' The remainiog portion of the artists are selected from the orchestra of the Concerts Jullien, at the Theatres-royal Drury Lane, Covent Gardsn, asi. English Opera House. The progratmitue will ho soleeted frotu the works of the great BMasters, also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... executed by Messrs. Austin and Seely, of London. The: . . Proscenium is painted by Mr. Adams, of the Theatre Royal, Siloude 'Drury Lane. The Drop S.cene is painted and designed by Mr. 'ne exi Hammersley and assistants. ' ' ' - rity age The Painting and Gilding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... firet-elass Danish Brig One Ii COLUMBUS. o to Apply tO ALEXAoNn ER ALLEN & Co. 1, Cool-street; or to ame M'LARTY & CO. 4, Drury Lane, Liverpool. rday STEAM TO ITALY FROM LIVERPOOL. Ioy- The first-class Steamship ling a 9l .,acd NAPLES (calling at GIBRALTAR) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WTb &IMRIS & CO.'S I1MPR.OVED ACCOUNT- Jc the Boox FOR HOuSEqrxr1.P'ERS, fo 150 ., Publihed by Hlarris aad Co.. 4 aunt6, Drury Lane, Ltyerpsol: cold bY all bookeilcre. Prioe One Shilling and Sipnce. - - -ro 1 - HOIC BOOXS FOR PREnSENTS. A 1 MT. ?? inimcnee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lavl,ao afl 6~,acconppanied by the M~te of his uni ?? thle principal Solo Performers fro Cisetjlen at the Theatres.Royal, Drury Lane, tGde, a nl t Eglish Opera Honse. : Thle Pregra wil ?? the works of tlsed Great Mlasters, also all the Nos Alusique Daneasile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iciet riemait sntasters. Ario! live bail tiso honour of Ringing before Her Majesty the s~ej id at the lloyal Italian Opera, Drury Lane Thoatre, reraiat thle Uaniover Sqisare Concerts, end at uipwards of levelly of thle Nobility's Cointerts, duri ng tile Past ...

Advertisements & Notices

... November 141th, r. J. L TOOLE. '~3RINCEs TEEATR T TO-NIHT, at? 730. k LAST TWO NItGHTS OF Mr. CTARLES LAURI and Conpanv, frot Drury Lane Theatre, London, in L F VOYAGE PEN SU ISq Monday Next. Novemnber 14th, M.iss CISSV GRArfAHE and ser London Companyo in A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... most etmllellt masters. They have had the honour of singing before Her Majesty the queen, aund at the Royal Italian Opera, Drury Lane Theatre, Exeaer Holl, at the Hanover Square Concerts, and at upwards of seventy of the Nobility's Concerts, during the past ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATALOCIUES of 4 0UO Vol of Curiious. Interesting. and Standard Bookl.-F. M. YEHEW. Vinegar Yaed, Loidoi, W,C., side of Drury Lane Theatre. SAMUEL BAMFO D.-A Now and Enlarged LY Edition (price 2s. 6d.) of Poens by e AMUEL BAMPORD, with a portrait of the ...