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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Foreign and Domestic

... Lord Hill ce e . dled upon to cluteaoterise tic merits of the wva ?? of Brighton-the hero of the Moselle- thi ' .-o of Drury-lane. Doctor Satd'lam, whose hard fate it is to serve, or rather to suffer, in the Elevetnh-eomrnitted the mutinous uffei-xe ...

Foreign and Domestic

... Lord Hill been called upon to characterise the merits of the warrior of Brighton-the hero of the Moselle'- the hissed of Drury-lane. Doctor Sandham, whose hard fate it is to serve, or rather to suffer, in the Eleventh-committed the mutinoms offence of ...


... a riot, which was lilely to be attended with fatal con- sequences, took place in Crown Court, opposite the stage door of Drury-lane Theatre. Some swells, that is, young men of the Waterforgeollibre, who have mcare money than wit, and who had not subscribed ...

Bankrupts, &c

... Gregory, Faulkner, and Follett, London; Botts, Bishopwear- mouth. Henry Josoph Reed, victualler, late of Marquis- court, Drury-lane, Middlesex, January 27, at -two, and March 2, at one, at the Court of Bankruptcy. -Lek. ington, Coleman-street-buildngs ...

Bankrupts, &c

... Gregory, Faulkner, and Foilett, London; Botts, Bishopwear- mouth. a Henry Joseph Reed, victualler, late of Marquis- court, Drury-lane, Middlesex, January 27, at two, and IMarch 2, atone, at the 'Court of Bankruptcy. Lack- yington, Celeraan-street-buildings ...


... a riot, which was likely to be attended with fatal oon- sequelces, took place in Crown Court, opposite the stage door of Drury-lane Theatre. Rome sswells, that is, young men of the Waterforldofbro, who have more money than wit, and who had not subscribed ...

Chartist Intelligence

... concert, sixpence each, to be had at the following to places :-Dispptoh Coffee'House, Bride-lane ; Mag- bu inet Coffee House, Drury-lane ; Wright's, Coffee thi 'I-louse, III, Chiarloete-street, Somers Town ; Hill's wt Coffee House,' 17, Homer-street, Crawf ...

Chartist Intelligence

... the concert, sixpence each, to be had at the following places :-Dispatch Coffee House, Bride-lane; Mag- net Coffee House, Drury-lane ; Wright's Coffee House, 117, Charlotte-street, Somers Town, Hill's Coffee House, 17, Homer-street, Crawford-street Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. A. Beck, 38, Harlingtou-street, York goad; Mr. Jaunes, 29, Gibson-street,Oakley-street; Mr. DavisMagnet Coffee-house, Drury-lane; at the Social Institution, Westminster Road; and of the Secretary, John Williams, 30, Devonshire-street, Vauxhall. 1 Tiokets ...

Chartist Intelligence

... concert, sixpence each, to be had at the following t4 places :-Dispatch Coffee House, Bride-lane; Mag- b net Coffee House, Drury-lane ; Wright's Coffee ti House, 117, Charlotte-street, Somers Town; Hill's v; Coffee House, 17, Homer-street, Crawford-street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Beck, 38, IHarlinglon-str eet, York Road; Mr. Jamnes, e 299 Gibson-street, Oakley-street; Mr. Davis, Magnet rCiftTee-house, Drury-lane; at the Social Institution, 5 Westminster Road ; and of the Secretary, John e Williams, 310, Devonshire-street, Vauxhall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A. Beck, 38, Harlington-strest, York aeoad; Mr. James, 29, Gibson-street, Oakley-street; Mr. Davis, Magnet Coffee-house, Drury-lane; at the Social Institution, Westminster Road ; and of the Secretary, John Will iams , 80, Devon sh ire -street, Vauxh all ...