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... of them was fecured by a watch. nian in Drury-lane. When he was conveyed from the watch-houfe before a Mrigifhate, on. fonday morning, the other ribber was recognifed by M'Ar. H. in lrinces- flreet, Drury-lane, and hewas lecured. They have both been committed ...


... i, liolborn, merchant 10 J.Sonee, Hart-ltrect, Covent-garden ,J. Milnes, Yarmouth, Norfolk, druiggift I - C° .r. Smith, Drury-lane, baker BIRdTIB. On the i th ult, the Lady of Sir 1:- Mackworth, of Oxford, of aclighter. kothofOcor, Lately, the Lady of ...


... came up at this initant-; and, when we threatened to take hima up, he faid, if we would iaccompany; him to the. George Inn, Drury Lane, we might- ptbably hear Something of ; the chaife, as his friend had priid if'ed to leave it there. When we came to the ...


... thofe cafes which made him wonder how tradefinen fo eafily part with their goQds. The] Plaintiff was an uphol. iterer, in Drury-lane. The Defendant was. introduced to hin, as a Haibuglh merchant, who willhed to have a. houfe ?? oion this iepiefentation ...


... morning of t'e 6th' Dvich iiff, lie ooerved the prifoner and two fellows ?? him, at h.;ile corner of Nag's-head court,. Drury lane. 'lThey were vety noify, and he defired them) to7 go :away, they .re- fufed, and in a fcuflie which immneiately took place ...


... Colonel BrOLTON, at hishoufe in Duke-fireet. The elegant Farce of the Cailp, written by Mr. P IDAN, bas been rehearfed at Drury-lane Theatre. it bS extremely applicable to the prefent times, and is to be brought forward with fuitable fplendoar. We know ...


... conl.:qv. ece, .as tne money was to be fhared betwcen thrce or rour of therl. On go'ing out, inilead of turniria tO- wards Drury-lane, where the prifoner had la d hne lived1 he.turned towards Snow-hill 'a'y TIhe pro- .fecutor immediately followed hint, :nd ...


... Houfe in a truhl which expired in july lafl.; and by the Duke of Bedford he vas- norhinated as one bf the C truftees for Drury-lane. Mr. Biggin was about, forty- I three vears of age. He feered -to pofiefs a conflitution that promifed his friends a long ...


... which, under the prefent fyflem, i' impoflible. r . ' e Although the wits have been rather fevere on the Ma- i I nager of Drury-lane for introducing a realpand on the., s flage, they canqot fay he has made duck; aad draks of I his money. ...


... relative to the right of Volunteers to refign, is little fliort of tool. Mills O'Hara was on Saturday f lized with a fit in Drury-lane Theatre at nine o'clock. S he was taken t6 Carpmeal's houfe in B'ow-greet, where fhe sivas treated with every attention ...


... Jultices at this Office, and the lad depofed that between two and three iin the afternoon he flopped in the narrow parr of Drury-lane, near St. Giles's, to look in at a pawrnbroker's window. Thtre ruffianscarneup,onefeizedhim by the collar,and faid that ...


... drvigfin wete 1ilis-l ired, and went into a dif. {crent 'din ifun front that to whichi thley belonged. Mi - iff/Y, 104, Drury Lane, recollceld-having cht inged a iol. note to the prioner Some timne after M Nr. Parkiris, Solicitor to the Polt Office, appliod ...