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mtn OR, The General Correfe on • mt.,

... has been pleated to appoint Sir James Lowone of the Stewards of the Cheltetn Hundreds. flail Night their Majeflies were at Drury-Lane Theatre, to the new Comedy of the Difcovery. A few Days ago was collated, by the Bifhop of Lichfield Coventry, the Rev. ...

Published: Monday 14 February 1763
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 2573 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

wve o 0 Clock, in order to clean his Plate, and, without any Thought of doing an Injury to any

... which produced fome very affe@ing Scenes that had “.__aproper Effec upon the Audience. : | Lat Night their Majefties were at-Drury.Lane Theatre, ~ to fee tte New Comedy of The Difcovery. 1 in Jul L Virtue herfelf might harboar in her Breaft; And where our ...

Published: Monday 14 February 1763
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1000 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

ti .v_tecuils ti) -•- _ up, 65 eto accpiamt. 16d Cuflo

... olverhampton. For &c. in Wolverharnatn a ' 'pi' univerfally underftood, that the Managers of the other , y eftablifhed at Drury-Lane Theatre, and in which it tii l eatre had fully acquiefed, there appeared this Day adyer-1 the Opera of ARTAXERXES, with ...

Published: Monday 28 February 1763
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 3358 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... ; and the Play then began, it being about qo Minutes after Seven o'Clock. On Friday Morning Mr. Wood, Under-Treafurer of Drury-Lane Theatre, was found hanging in his Lodgings in James-Street, Covent-Garden. The Caufe of this Adion can only be conjectured ...

Published: Monday 07 March 1763
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 3659 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Pot-Ahhes, 180 Tons Hemp, 80 Tons Tren from Roffia, and cyoo Gaitons Rum from Jamaica, By fome Papers driven

... late Lord Chief Juftice Lee on a Motion before him, for an Information againft certain Perfons, concerned in a Riot at Drury. Lane Theatre, (in the Time of the late Mr. Fleetwood’s Management) declared it as his Opinion, That a continval Hifing was a ...

Published: Monday 07 March 1763
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 797 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Relation of them as the Susj admit or. DRURY-LANE and COVENT-GARDEN THEAT , Dap to publitiftt, Pr. i s. (Humbly addrefs'd to the Public,) AN Hiaorical and Succina Account late RIOTS at the Theatres -Royal of Drury Lane and harden, with the princip;l. Adv ...

Published: Monday 21 March 1763
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 2806 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

General Correfponciento

... buxom Widow, who was the Subjeal of their Contell, to France. ,Sunday Evening a Portuguefe was robbed in a Public- Houle in Drury-Lane, of a co 1. Bank Note, and 17 Guineas, and beat and wounded in a molt terrible Manner. COME Shepherds, we'll follow the ...

Published: Monday 21 March 1763
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 2645 | Page: 1 | Tags: none


... )(The Comedy of the D ISCOVERY , w hi c h was per f orm 'd lirteen Nights during.the lafl Seafon, at the Theatrcpßoya! iu Drury-Lane, is', we are inform'd, the firft Dramatic Pro= duaion of Mrs. Sheridan, (Authorefs of the Novel entitled Sidne y; 'Biddulph ...

Published: Monday 11 July 1763
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 3064 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

P ofthe Coaft of Trpzil, where*he Captaingwd three Ilondred of his Men ate {aid to havk perifhed, are alarming ..

... two of whom were c¥pitally copvicted, viz. William David and William Bragger, for robbing J6hn Nelfon on the Highway | in Drury-Lane, of a Silver %Vatch and Hat; 13 were caft for Tranfportation, and eight acquitted, of whom was William Lee, tried on the ...

Published: Monday 18 July 1763
Newspaper: Coventry Standard
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 743 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

L 0 N D 0 N, Oaober 6

... Right Hon. the Marquis of Granby, John Wilkes, Efq; and the Rev. Mr. C. Churchill, feated tileinfelves in the fame Box at Drury-Lane Theatre, and received on the Occafion filch. loud Shouts of Applaufe froat the Spcdators, as for Time interrupted ...

Published: Monday 10 October 1763
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 2090 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

gi;ontar4 ;

... Orders, are ifrued for the Courts going into Mourning far the King of Poland. tall Night as a Gentleman was coming out Drury-Lane Playhoufe, he was furrounded by five or fix well-dreffed Men, whopieked his Pocket of his Watch ; but g6ing loon afterwrds ...

Published: Monday 31 October 1763
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 2462 | Page: 3 | Tags: none