Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. Shelmerdine, at the Opera Office; and at the principal Mu- fie Shops. For the BENEFIT -f Mifs BIGGS, THEATRE-ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. [%N TUESDAY next their Majefies' Servants VJ will adt Shakefpeare's Comedy of TWELFTH NIGHT; or, WHAT You Wr LL. Orfino ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ace, Perntonvilkc; of Mrs. Turtlc, 5127, Strand; and at the bteztre. For the J3ENEFi0 ofNThSEDGW_1C'-- THFATRE-RD YAI,, DRURY-lANE. ('NN WEDNE SDAY, June 3,,The TEMPEST. Profpero, Mr. Powell; Fefdinand, Mr. Hollan: - Stepha- no, *Mr. Bannifter, jun.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Me~ddy cornpofed by her, withS Ac- companiinenlt for the Lute, and Lung by her on fier Benefit Nigbt at the Theatre Rbyal, Drury-lane. Printed for tle Author, and fold at 3. Buciulngei's, No. 443, Stfand. Thliday i pqbliLed, by delire of the Reverehd the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ltreat. 'RI IHOLD an 11LEA.~81Ti II 5 0 rlorp~roved_,1R REN --S - -a-nd ESTI k1VlTS, 17l%,,h - I-Iollrorr, ilomn-ibury, Drury-lane. and Covr'tGaren>By Mei.sINRand DYKE, on 30To-RIItO 0M at ta, i2,t G -irrawa~y'a, in is. lots, by order of the cx uetors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jASEBOLD improved FL,4 ENTS and ESTATES, fiuatrin High Holliorn, King- -fret, and Peter-Irecet, Bloomnibury ; King-ftrect, Drury-lane; and,'Rofc-flreet, Covent-garden ; let at Rents amounting to Three Haundred and Fifty-two Pounds per annum, conprlfing thofe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mnanl, No. xs, Queeti1i1cet, Etoornihury, atd of Mr. To oroo r , 'at the Box ollicr, Little Ruffellffreet. . . TliSATRE- AL, DRURY-LANE. Forthel ENtFl' of Mir l5IGNU \I. N SATURAY NEXT, 'Te COUNTRY NSAIRL. Moody; IEMr.W-roughtoh; HIrcourt, NTr. Barry- more ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at half paft fix. Sc- Cond Price da half pat eight. - NOT -A-Cf T S V YEAR Par the NglT of MISS ST1[PHENS. THEATRE RYAL, DRURY-LANE. I Rfa K fNG hc, (tr flirt appearmsce in that P ali- Iafer;) Lucisuda; Mifr B. Menage; Deborahe WVoodcckj Mrs. tha a Mifat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... way's and the Baptifi Coffee-hsoufes; and of Mr. Willock, No. as, Goklen-iquare.c.. LEASEHOLD HOUSES, Craven-buil ings, Drury-lane, and York-buildingsr WATER WORKS SHARES. 'By Mr. WILLOCI, At Garraway's, on Wedinefday'lext, at twelve 'o'clock, in Five ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7-Performance begins at 8, ends at eo. Boxes 4s.- Pit 3s.-Gallery As, F'or the BE'INEFIT of Mr. SEDGWfCK. 'lH.'ATRY.-ROYAL,DRURY-lANE. T O-MORROW EVENING, The.TEMPET.I Profpero, Mr. Powell; F Prdinand, Mr. Holland; Stephba no, Mr. B'nnifter, jun.; Trincalo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Solicitors; Queen'-fq~uarce, Biloomf- burv; and of- Mr. Willock; No. 2a5 G6olden-quare. LWAsEDL D HOUSES, C;aven-bulings, Drury-lane, and York-buildings lWATER WORKS SHAPES. By Mr. WILLOCK, At Garraway's, TO-MORROW, at twelve o'clock, in Five .LoS, by order ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the Executor of Mrs. GARNrTT, 'L&t a. ?? -'HE LEASE'of TfTO HOUSES, No. . I 9 and 96, the-corner of Cravcn-buildings, Drury- lane. Lot d. The.LEASe of a House, No.3, in Craven-buildings. Lot 3. The LEASE of Two H11usES, No. 6 and 7, Craven- buildings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1hitfield, No. a, Clifford's inn and of Mr. Brandon, at the Theatre, where placer. fgr the Boxes may be taken. Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, June 2, 18ao.. M RS. BLANDI . mo(t refpedfully' informs her Friends and the Public, that her BENEFIT is fixed for Friday ...