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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... invited. I- C ?? Ulydesdale Hot.I, Elo'ness, on the ( ?? inst., Maiy Drake, wife of Hugh Claro. C W)D 1'ol:D.-At Gilbert Field Farm, Cambuslanz, .o ton ?? inst., aged 47 years, Isabella Hay, _ ?? oi JaTr n Crawrord. J ?? z-4t L2Si; Rnfrew Street, on 25th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... toil 'ii- -od f-- ' i HOME NEWS. OUTBREAK OF FOOT AND MIOUTHI DISEASE,. Foot and m-onth disecsc has broken out on Oak- field Farm, noear Kelso. The cattlo hadl be, recently nlifcasd t at fit BtYQ:I's TlII El)NJUPRCIr l'LECTION. The polling^ for Ed1inb~urgh ...


... FIRE NEAn. TAasWOItr._-A rickof valuable wheat, containing about 70 bags, the property of M~lr. Robert Hewitt, of Hill Field Farm, in the parish of Tamworth, was entirely consained by fire on time night of 3the 20th inst., and as there was no house within ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... agsd 59, MlissElizabeth Mealings, respected by all who knew her. Sept. 24, Rebeocc, wife of Mr. G. Hunt, late of Camps- field Farm, and dauglrter of tlre late Mr. WV. Gorsling, of Kidlingtorr, in her 48th year-. Sept. 18, at Eretore, Afr. 'I'honmas Smith ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Shirp, late of Paisley, STmvxssos.-At Hessilhead, Beitb. on 4th iist., aged 62 years, William Stevenson, late of Raker- field Farm. STEWART.-At 179 Slateield Street, Dennistoun, on the 4th inst., in her 80th year, Frances. Patrick, widow of the late Alexander ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Esq., of Balladoole, Isle of Man. At St. Helen's Church, Abingdon, by the Rev. Canon Pott, Mr. John Matthews, of Swell Field Farm, Gloucester- shire, and Dry Sandford, Berks, to Jemima Sarah, youngest daughter of the late J. B. King, Esq., of Shippon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... wife of Colin Campbell; s C -A. 3t. Saracnis Street, Possilpark, on . t oct.. the ivife of Alexander Cullen; a, . , ' t a:field Farm, Rutherglen, on 12th t'*e te .,f WVilliam Dick ; a son. W t hireh.ngh Terrace, Paisley, on 1.i. i sch iur, the wife of James ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Cathar'ine, wife of Sir. a Henry Howse, of Alarsto'n, WVilts,and youngest daughter si of the late MIr. Gerring, of North Field Farm, Fari'ildon. ia Dec, 23, at Slhipston-on-Stour, Miss Sabin, in thle 01th V year of her age. d lice. 26, aged 59, Martha ...