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Morning Chronicle

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... 0. Margaret of Navarre. 7. Arthur Arden, the Medical Student. Chapter IV. 8. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. &C. &e. &e. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street. C OLBURN'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The FetwuAny Number is published ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3. Arthur Ardei ; or, The Medical Student. 4. Sally in our Aly S. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe in 1863. By Grace Greenwood. 0. The Cruise of the ,Jemili. How she Sailed over the Black Sea,- and How she Blew Up at Sinope. An Episode of the Present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Court. By Shirley Brooks. 3. The Mlssiitg Sentinel. By the Author of Our Antipodes. r 4 Haps ?? of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. lS6. The Theatres of London. Is 6. How the Jenmilt blew up at Stiopa. By Lieut. the IIon. F. ae Walpole, R.N. d, T. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Shirley Brooks. 3. The Missing Sentinel. By the Author of Our Antipodes. 4 Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. 5. The Theatres of London. 6. How the Jemili blew up at Sinope. By Lieut. the Hon. F. Walpole, R.N. 7. Presentation at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Story. By the Author of Clrisie JoP Peg Woffingtoll. 2. The Marquis of Angleeea, with a Pocirait S. The Ant-Eater. 4. Grace Greenwood's Raps and Mishaps of a Tor io 5. Arthur Arden, the Medical Student. Err Pe, 6. Affairs in Turkey, from our Own Corr~po^i-rst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Author of Christie Johnstonce rad Peg Wolflngton. 2. The Marquis of Anglese*, with a Portrait. 3. The Ant-Eater. 4. Grace Greenwood's Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. 5. Arthur Arden, the Medical Student. 0. Affairs in Turkey, fronm our Own Cor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ab ?? lnsl Mr. Fixby'a Visit to Skye. Coismuiuleatei Iby Dalton Incolislby. - Haps and Miehapo of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. Lamnartine's Historical Characters. a History of Cricket. By Edward Jesse. lae Van de Velde'8 Assumned Refutation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Last War, 1709 to 110. Theatres of Londos. Their History, Past and Present. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. Society in Washington. By Mrs. Kirkland. Aspen Court, and Who Lost and Who Won it. A Tale of our owv Time. By Shirley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Last War, 1799 to 1810. Theatres of London. Their History, Past and Present. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour its Europe. By Grace Greenwood. Society in Washitgtos. By Mrs. Kirkland. Aspen Court, and Who Lost and Who Won it. A Tale of our own Time. By Shirley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Last War, 1709 to 1810. Theatres of London. Their History, Past and Present. Maps and Mdishaps of a Tour in Europc. By Grace Greenwood. SoCiety in Wnshingtont. By Murs. Iitrkisite. Asp en Court, and Who Lost and Who Woe it, A Tale sf our own Time. By Shirley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Anguns B. Reach. Adventures of Benjamin Bobbin, the Bngman. By Crawford Wilson. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. An Undergradniate's Vacation Ramnhie in Sweden, including a Visit to Boniarsund. London: Richard Bentley, New Bunrli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Angus B. Reach. Adventures of Benjamii Bobbin, the Bagman. By Crawford Wilson. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. An Ucdergraduate's Vacation Ramble in Sweden, including a Visit to Bomarsund. London Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street ...