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... the Author of 'Christie Johastone' and Peg Wofington' 2. The Marquis of Anglesea, with a Portrait :. The Aent Eater 4. Grace Greenwood's Haps and Mlishaps ofea Tour in Europe 6. Arthor Arden. the Medical Student G. Aftsirs in Turkey, from our Own Correspondeist ...

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... Story. By the Author of Clrisie JoP Peg Woffingtoll. 2. The Marquis of Angleeea, with a Pocirait S. The Ant-Eater. 4. Grace Greenwood's Raps and Mishaps of a Tor io 5. Arthur Arden, the Medical Student. Err Pe, 6. Affairs in Turkey, from our Own Corr~po^i-rst ...

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... Author of 1Christie Johnetdno' &nd Fog M. Woffiuagton. : H The Marqui of Anglesea, ?? 3. The Ant Eaer. wt otat 4, Grace Greenwood's II S, and Mihaps of a Tour in Europe. er, S. Affairs in Turkey, from our Own Correspondent. L' Life and Characteristics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Author of Christie Johnstonce rad Peg Wolflngton. 2. The Marquis of Anglese*, with a Portrait. 3. The Ant-Eater. 4. Grace Greenwood's Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. 5. Arthur Arden, the Medical Student. 0. Affairs in Turkey, fronm our Own Cor ...

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... awid who Lost and who Won it. A Tale of our own e Tie. B.y St.irley Brooks. Y Iaps and Mishaps of a Tour In Europe. By Grace Greenwood. . The Exile and the Governor. e Ad'veintures of Benjamin Bobbin, the Bagman. By Crawford Wilon, Slavery in Russia, Arthur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rvad who Lost andwho Won it. A Tale of our own Time. By Shirley Brooks.. . Tfaps and MIshaps of a Tour In Europe. By Grace Greenwood. T'lhe Exile and the Governor. S. Adventures of Benjamein Bobbin, the Bagran; By; Crawford Lee Wilson. its Slavery in ...

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... Court, and who Lost and who Won it. A Tale of our ow time. By Shirley Brooks. Hops and mlishaps of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. The Exile and the Governor Adeenatres of Beujami. Bobbin, the BIAgmsn. By Crawford Wilson. Slavery in Russia. Arthur ...

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... Author of Christie .| Mr. FriFxby's Visit to Skye. Communicated by Dalton Ingoldasb. Hareanud Mishaps of ?? Europe. By Grace Greenwood, T'Laartine's Histeocal Characters. V H* tr Van Veldke's Assme Redutaio Jes .oSu )t Sh8ores of the Baltio. - n l A Tale ...

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... ab ?? lnsl Mr. Fixby'a Visit to Skye. Coismuiuleatei Iby Dalton Incolislby. - Haps and Miehapo of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. Lamnartine's Historical Characters. a History of Cricket. By Edward Jesse. lae Van de Velde'8 Assumned Refutation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Last War, 1709 to 110. Theatres of Londos. Their History, Past and Present. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. Society in Washington. By Mrs. Kirkland. Aspen Court, and Who Lost and Who Won it. A Tale of our owv Time. By Shirley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Last War, 1799 to 1810. Theatres of London. Their History, Past and Present. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour its Europe. By Grace Greenwood. Society in Washitgtos. By Mrs. Kirkland. Aspen Court, and Who Lost and Who Won it. A Tale of our own Time. By Shirley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Last War, 1709 to 1810. Theatres of London. Their History, Past and Present. Maps and Mdishaps of a Tour in Europc. By Grace Greenwood. SoCiety in Wnshingtont. By Murs. Iitrkisite. Asp en Court, and Who Lost and Who Woe it, A Tale sf our own Time. By Shirley ...