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... SONS, 61 ST V1SCFNT Sip.xIrr. A CRARMING NEW-YEARS GIFT. NTICTORIA, QUEEN OF ENGLAND, _ HER GIRLHOOD AND WOMANHOOD. By GRACE GREENWOOD. With Iliustration. Post 8lo, cloth extra, price fS. Fromn the Prcfaee. I have always written as an Amerlican and a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3. Arthur Ardei ; or, The Medical Student. 4. Sally in our Aly S. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe in 1863. By Grace Greenwood. 0. The Cruise of the ,Jemili. How she Sailed over the Black Sea,- and How she Blew Up at Sinope. An Episode of the Present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Richard Bentley, New Burlington-streoet. This day, in post 8vo., 7s. 6d., APS and MISHAPS of a TOUR in EUROPE. APS 2By GRACE GREENWOOD. A dashicgq gallop over Europe and the British Isles, recorded with much liveliness and ?? Gazette. Her style is spirited ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :01 I3 218 Do ,, Jon. Naylor o 12 10 *e208 Do , Wm. Goody 0 12 I 294 Thomas Akeroyd ,, Wm. Greenwood 0 10 6 294 Do ,, Grace Greenwood 2 2 296 Robt. Sutriliff , Robe. Crabtree 0 00 ef301 Samuel Stacks - , Thos. Booth 03 2 ft(SO Richard Suteliff , Joseph ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SULLIVAN, Author of Rambles and Scrambles in America. Post Svo., 7s. Id. It. HAPS and MISHAPS of a TOUR in EUROPE. Br GRACE GREENWOOD, Pont 8vo., 7s. 6d. OUR CAMP in TURKEY, and the WAY TO IT. By Mrs.YOUNG, Author of Cutch, 1 Western India, &c. Post ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stories; Sam Slick's Down East Yarns; and Dec contributions from the pens of Daniel Webster, Willis, Howard pro Paul, Grace Greenwood, and Mrs. Sigourney. Every nunberis Ext complete in itself. A steel engraving of some prominent view dre: in America with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... not claimed in a Week, will be sold to defray Expenses. f'.AUTIION.-I will not be accountable for any t. Deb's my Wife, GRACE GREENWOOD, may contiact after this Notice.-Witness my Hand this 2nd Day of October, 1839. PETER GREENWOOD, Ridge Bank, Wadsworth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Richard hiesitley, New Burlington street. This day, its post SvCo., 7s. Gd., ITAPS and MISHAPS of a TOUR in EUROPE. LM By GRACE GREENWOOD. London: Richard Bentley, Nsw Burliigtoa-streot. SIR GEORGE LAUFENT'S NEIW WORK. N*w neady, in 2 vols. Evo., with Ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Last War, 1709 to 110. Theatres of Londos. Their History, Past and Present. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood. Society in Washington. By Mrs. Kirkland. Aspen Court, and Who Lost and Who Won it. A Tale of our owv Time. By Shirley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... steeet. y, from Ti ai o8o s d r stocks.I Ti dy ' ot SoI i sefi APS and MISHAPS of a' TOUJR in, EUROPE. variety. ~~By GRACE GREENWOOD. vaiey he 'bauthor, with an artistic taste, a genial disposition, and a semin. )G A peotical feeling narrates tire ob ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ichard Bentley, New BuIligton-isLrect. This day, its post Svo., 7s. 6d., APS and ISH113APS of a TOUR in EUROPE. U L . By GRACE GREENWOOD. London: Richaid Beitley, New Brlingtosn-street. TilE ONLY LIBRARY EDITION. A New Editioi, iii 10 rol. 8ro., price £4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... London: Richard Btoltley, New Builington-strco.t Thi day, in post 8vo.. ?? Gd., TTAPS and MISHAPS of a TOUR in EUROPE. . By GRACE GrEENWOOD. London Richard Bentley, New Barlizglton-street. TilE AUITHOltr'- AND OXLY UNABrlIDGEI EDIT{!0N. IThis day-, Second EC ...