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Art and Literature

... yet advanced, is Mr Frederic Seebohm's En- glish Village Community, brought out this week by Messrs Lorgman andCo. Grace Greenwood (IfrsLippincott) who is now in London, is engaged on a biography of our Queen for the use of Ameri- can children. * Parsifal ...


... Sir Charles Napier, ihius_ trative of a brief, butsuir~cient memoir of the old hero, graces ttlis number. The lively Grace Greenwood aorrates the haps and mishaps of her European tonr with increased spirit, and le-ads us after her, with no reluctant ...


... his country, and whosoever and whatsoever stood between him and his goal was dashed away wibh a terrible, rude hand. Grace Greenwood eaid of him in the Nler York Tlibune, No wonder that such a man left enemies; it will be one of his ohief titles to ...


... honour themselves by showing her every possible attention and kindness.-Article: aps ned iMishapeo/ a Tour in Europe, by Grace Greenwood. (rromn Blackwood's Magazitne.) T HE POET'S FUTURE. His great want is a proper root-idea, and intelligible theme which ...


... Carroll ?? Rev. C. L. DOgw- Da~gonet ?? G. R. Sims. John Dangerfield ?? Oswald Crawfurd. G. Fleming .Julia Fletcher. Grace Greenwood .M.r. Mrs. S. J. Lipp!O4° ?? Lee . , H arriet Parr. Vernon Lee ?? Violetreget. Helen Mathers . Mrs. Reeve. John Oldcastle ...


... IATERARY ]YESCELtLAtA COLOoeDO WoasEN.-Grace Greenwood, 4riting from Colorado,hsays that she bad felt, before mingling :ith them much, that with their new, strange, wild surround- ings; the illimitable vastness of earth and sky; with new labours a nd ...