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Advertisements & Notices

... lI E ?? AiEMIBLY wilt lie on WED T NrSDfAT EVEN114i;, the 13th Instant. Dmncing to coammence at Eight ?? precisely. AMtR. JOHN DYSON, Patroncts. (GEORGIUE Pt)LI.AIID), THOif)MAS S. IIAWSON) Stewards. RICHIARtI) VlIRSH lAV, - WIllIAAAM IMIGGS, J 1Iahifax ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Boxes, &c -LAEST NOVAIELlS, JEWELLER'S and dXLVB;P.0viaS ART. GUARANTEED WATCHES. o DYSON'S G0U~.RA.TEIgD WI ATUHL D DYSON'S JOHN DYSON; wshea it to be DYSC>~ distzcdly mdersmood that he is aot DYSt'S oay a Wltch SaUer, but a Practi- cal Watchmaker:, and E-VERY ...

gicda~teou0. W ANT E

... aid, to Tr. Barlow, 1411, llriggate, Leeds, or to W. W. W., Poet Office, Doncaster, will meet with immediate Attention. 3 JOHN DYSON, LINEN DRAPER, SILt MEiR J tea, r&c., Queen Street, Huddersdield, is in irmrmediate L wentof Two steady and active Young ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Farrar. Christopher Rawson SOWERhBY- BRIDGE. James Thompson Tijonsas Preston - Wm. Bates Wm. Greenup Joln Haigh, Causeway John Dyson Snmael Hodgson, Jun. Henry Edwards William Wilcock Robert Wainhouse Stnsaaeld Rawson Charles Hudson John Thomson, M. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEDDING !ttiCiS wa G oin ca uv id . t'- p r aLe :~ 1L Ire, C'o unt:ry. A: ( O _ . i.2 eRES~EXiT AX N. J.iWELLE3RY. JEWELLLIiy. JOHN DYSON is L largest buysr. in :h' muLiii',.- - Ge-wiag direct w-tJ*h 1i::- tr.rer for LSh . .. ,' gise 1he- pub/icz ;ne mit t. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... biLver -deidLLs, Uiooks, hobLi tier 6 ind i-ilver 9LateO l~oods. Designs aub- GUARAINTID wbaTHEnS - U-UAR --NTEED NVA fCBHES. JOHN DYSON wishes it to be distinotiy understood that he is not ounl a wat--h Seler. bu; a Prasti- cal Nvatoonah-ker. anda E.KriRY ...

was suffocated. THE

... all benefit thereof. The :8dividend may be recied at any time after the said let day of Novem- ber, on application to Mr. John Dyson, Grocer, Now-street, Hudders- 3f field. By order. FLOYD and LEAROYD, Solicitors to the Assigneess. n* Huddersfield, 7th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jewellery. )f Jewellery. JOHN DYSON has the best Workshops in Jewellery, . _ Jewellery. Leeds, and an efficient staff of Workmen. JeWellery, R 2i and 20, BRIGGATE, Leeds, Three Doors below BOAR-LANE sr G '`791 a R JOHN DYSON, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Wa3tces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1411 'tIlt-,, itO lito. PtAilLe. lUt?LtjdsLe. 1401EIICLLS, .44. 11s'tiLs!uJ j j5ZtOz'L'? ws1'IYMNG rnrszsrs. w-v.--I 40 JOHN DYSON los mnde these II L,? buat.-.,. tltL-'Juomg so test I ilatusI Ilte mid Ito- & otSIai.sse l1?ltt-ti?? in SILVELL and u-i'ItoTE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... asregars Wiliam )ystin. As vvitiress 12'iiit Hacdsths T~eit~iiith tl itl~tcltr, olie Thtousaand Right JOHN DY5ON. W itnese- JOHN DYSON, J !n JO--VI. DVSON. WILLIAMi WHifFcl L t1. WILLIAM DlV.aiON. K COPLAN'D'S STEEL.PEN INK. rPHE peculiar Quality ot this ...


... Bri Joltt Dosigill, Thsorp - in - Almondbury, Pit geiltlemen Ta: Thos. Dyson, Thong, woollen manufac turer, executor of John Dyson, late of Netherthong, deceased. er Joint Dysois, llopton, weollen manufr, ?? tier Williams vyson, Burtons loyds, butcher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Geo. Ilriggs S S oh Telford .. 0 A Friead .t I Miss Frank .. 2 21 Martin Burnell I I Wmn. Eicardson. John Dyson . 53 Clementhorp. 5 S NP. Parkinson 0 Io Oswald Allen 1 1 Wentworth, Chalo- A' Friead from Puck- her, and ...