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DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, ON THE HARBOUR OF CORK. TO BE LET OR SOLD Subject to a small head Rent, for lives

... about balf a mile from ‘Town, a House consisting of a two good sized Parlours, six Bed-chambers, two Servants Roorns, a good Kitchen, with Cellars, Pantries, Stable and Coach House. Ke. the present Residence of Gro, Esq to whom application may be made for ...

%l)c Bcportet, auD C-i

... dis- J and while they femained there, he did not con- ceal himself; two of the chitdren, he said, were in a bed near the kitchen fire, and himself, his wite, and a Tittle boy in a bed in another part of the room, which wus ¢ a fivided by a low wall, When ...

' 1 '''''' • ' >; ' ' writ Canmirixtal Comrm>

... a mile from Town, « House consisting cf a Drawing-itoom, two good sized Parlours, six Bed-chambers, two Servants Rooms, a Kitchen, with Cellars, DP. ries, Stable and Coach House. &e. the present Residence of Giro, STEVELLY, Esq. to whom application may ...

ASSIZES. i alate she would send up.” No other person was pre- 1 sont at the tine. ed having Mr

... Wituess is al- the practice o f going for hin when he dines by Witness slept in st e out. They had vo arms with them. the kitchen and his master went to bed, and swears br e ce positively that he did not leave the house until morning, and that there was ...

– – *• '

... mile from’ Town, a House consisti of a Drawing-Room, two good sized Parlours, six Bed-chambers, two Servants, Roams, a goouw Kitchen, with Cellars, Pantries, Stable and Coach &e. the present Residence of Geo. Sreve.ty, Esq. to whom application may be made ...


... slept, he sup; bed-room and agai in lay down, but in a few minute up again, and * squatted dow n” upon the stair; into the kitchen and eat a cand le which he there. Heafterwards took up a parcet of bank and laid them down again, thinking them ing some thing ...

I Xbc 1* porter, auH CerK Coitncr

... were Jaid with great skill to prevent noise or resistance. Two of them had previously secured the servants in 4d three the kitchen, patroled as sentinels, . an searched the They carried off one barrelled gun, ove single do., one blunderbuss, one case of ...

Xle ant) CorU Commmial CDuricn

... af saving some of the z\fter setting fire to the offices two of the. raffians, forcibly broke into the dwelling house the kitchen window, with the view, it. is sup , of burning that also, or of wmurderi Mr. Steward, after whom they made 4 strict. seurcls ...


... June 7 A HIGHLY FINISHED PIANO, NEARLY NEW, EARI G’S O BE SOLD for Half-Price, at Commission Room, a Fowling-Picce, a Steam Kitchen, a te i tead and Hangings, Plate, and Ladies’ O n roperty a person leaving the Kingdom. f The punctuality with which the sin ...

Cibt Etppttcr. an® tfatK donuncvcial Cornier

... direction | Paris to the oth inst from the house. on the ground near the THE FUNDS. steps of the hall, she was, assmted into the kitchen, when it -was discoveraltiat he had reevived a LONDEN, FRIDAY NIGHT. severe ia the right side, of winch he lingered till « ...


... another glircction from the house. Deceased fell on the ‘ound near the steps of the hall door ; he was assisted’ into the kitchen, when it was discovered that’ he had receiv: a seyere. wound in the right sidé, of which he lingered till the following day ...

AUCTION KF HOUSEHOLD FU. NITUR M. DATWY, TLE, Sell by AUCTION, .on Mowpay, next, 30th June, at his House, ..

... Prints, Books and Book- Presses, Carpets, Plate and Plated. Art sets of hand- some a Dinner Service, Ware, Knives aud Forks, Kitchen and Pi urnilure, Gardena Frames and Seats, a two Laide Lures, and Stand, a pair of Globes, an excellent Side- Board Patent ...