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Advertisements & Notices

... wilhlin theie few years, is m> fulbflantially and nearly finifned, and confifts of taandfome parlour, bed..oom, clofe:, and kitchen on :he ground floor, an elegant drawing room, bed- nra, and bed clofet, on the fecond floor, with con- ' c:irnt garrets above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... firfa of MNarch, or at the term of Whit- E funday firnt, A. GARDBNER, a married man, who would take '1 -d- the charge of a kitchen garden; and when not i :Paplsycd in it, would have no objeflion to do any I athrer work upon a farm; he could be accommodated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to the El', ?? confilts of the following apartments, 1 viz. On the ground floor, a large Ihop, and cellars olf the fame, a kitchen, pailour, and bed-room, &c. a -on the fecond floot, anr elegant dining-roorm, three bed-rooms, and a large clofet-with a fet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the th are ?? confrlls of the following apartments, lit viz. On the ground floor, a large fhop, and cellars off the fame, a kitchen, parlour, and bed-room, &c. Ot -on the fecond floou, an elegant, three bed-rooms, and a large cloret-with a fet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... was built within thefe few years, is n(l ?? and neatly finilhed, and confifts of h-andforne parlour, bed-roomn, clofet, and kitchen on 2he ground floor, an elegant drawing room, bed- ,non, and bed clofet, on the Jscond floor, with con- srenient garretsabove ...

a - To the Noblemen

... er beds and blankets-a fopha- mirror glafles-filver fpoons-glafs and done ware- ?? and firc irons-and a great variety of kitchen 1Y furniture, &c. &c- The roup to begin at to o'clock er fsscngulo, and cledit will be g'sen till Larnms fith. i.LO!N 1tURNPIKE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... harbour.-lt confifls of the following apartments, viz. On the ground floor, a large fIrop, and cellars elir offthe fame, a kitchen, pailour, and bed-room, &c. la Pa- -On the fecond foor, an elegant dining-room, three t ,f bedrooms, and a large clofet-with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ou T Loch-head, prefently poffeff d by Miffies Bar- ice clay, confilling of five fire rooms, feveral clofets, a no large kitchen, wraihing honfe and bleaching green. I Alto, about four acres of GROUND. Entry to 'aft the ground immediately, and to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Fire Irons-Mirror Glaffes- D China-Glars and Stone Ware-Feather Beds and Blankets - Cotton Counterpans- and variety of Kitchen Furniture, &c. a The whole Is quite new, and will be ?? the day before the fale, from 1a to a o'clock. ROYAL GENEALOGY. T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen, lately belonging to Captain Skene, and prefently poffeffed by Mr Forbes of Skellater: It confirfs of a parlour, kitchens and cellars, on the ground floor; a dining soom, drawing room, and pantry, on the filte floor ;.four bed rooms on the fecond ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIVATE BARGAIN, t A New fublantially built Dwelling horre in the A Upper-kirk-gate, confiling of nine fire rooms, a with kitchen and cellars. Enquire at James Tosty, Silk Dyer, Aberdeen, the proprietor. - s I CULLEN BLEACHFIELD, 1798. UNGO RANNIE continues ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIVATE BARGAIN, r A New fubfiantially built Dwelling Iroufe in tie. I- AUpper-kirk-gate. confifting of nine firc rooms, with kitchen and cellars. Enquire at James Tmrry Silk Dyer, Aberdeenthe proprietor. ABERDEENSHIRE CANAL, 6th April, I798. TNTIMATION is ...