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F S.tcceirton to die of . yohr Po/laity, is the fervent and Prayer Aloj:fly's Icyal and cbedient SubicOs. ..

... l_utwyche, A Gentlf2man's Chariot being in waiting at tho Dutel.(ls Dovva , .:cr of Marlborough's, the Coachman went ir!o the Kitchen for Small Bcer, and took rl'e Oppoitunity of (teal* a Buttock of Beef that had b.en wbich he put into tbe Seat or the Chariot ...

From the Whitehji Ev n. pr. i . On Monday !aft Mrs's oom at the Bath was °pc.) w:th

... 2 t, the Houle of Mr. Bradford, &adman in i-icAllourn, was broke open: The Villains gc..: in at a Ground Window into the Kitchen, and had packed t - p 'Lich Furniture as was fi':br their Turn, but were prevented carry'nv cif Booty by the Watchman, who ...

From the Whitehall E

... be lent to Holland to bring over hither the King of Ptuffia and his Son. On Thuriday Night WI tome Rogues broke in at the Kitchen Window of the Houfeot Mrs. Martha!, in King-flreet, Golden Square, overagainft the Chlael, they robbed the Houle of come Platt ...


... of Captain Townfhend near Mile End was attempted to be robb'd by ir..)m2 Rooles, who had wrench 'd off the Bars from the Kitchen Window ; but w!.rei dill ,rh:d From doing any forther Damage by Nurl 7 :.ry Maid that happen'd to be up, and cam' Jowl v.ich ...


... Silver, but without a Raniner, whkh be feveril times affirmed rot to be loadcd. Another Footmin cartictl ;.I.*:yn to the Kitchen, and lbew'd it to the Cook and one ot the Houfe-Maids, who were there, telling them there *as no Danger, becaufe it was not ...

P Guinea, a Silver Watch, and Silver Snuff' Box. Her Royal Highners the Princels Royal, who bath lately been ..

... Countels Dowager of Dykrt in Grofvenor-ftreet, waa broke open by three Robbers, who carryld off tnoft of the Pewter in the Kitchen; but being at laft overheard by the Porter, he fired a Blunderhuis atoongft thcm, when they wete efcaping, and at Diy-light ...

r it)

... To be Lett, P r H E Late Dwelling Houk of Mr. Grucbar, ' deceafcd, in the Parifh of Ofpring; with very good Gardens and Kitchen Gardens, and large Fifh-Ponds, alio Out-houles and Brewhoufes, and a very good Coach- Houfe and Stabling. Enquire of Mrs. ...

From the Daily Poll

... he on Durd ham Down, when a Perfon came into the Houle with a Brace of Priflols, which he cuddly I.lid down in the Kitchen ; the Matra's of the Houle takugupp one of them, ask'd if they were charg'd ; and he the fnap'd it three feveral times ...

'ho . i From SATURDAY 2 to EDN DA Y January 7.7, 1730-31. From the Daily journal, Jimmy HE Hon

... Board of Green Cloth, for Ilealing a lar . t. , ,e Silver Cover belonc;itig to a Silver Saucepan out of his Ma- . jelly's Kitchen at St. James's. There has been lately !truck at ills Majefly's Mint in the Tower a large Medal, having on one Side the Head ...

... Beauty and Ornament, is doubtlas the finale Ship in all Europe; and part of she King's Cooks wcnt on Board with all forts of Kitchen and Talx•it Furniture, and prepared a. s Feat, at which was prefent inee of Wales many of the Nobility and Lords of the Admiralty ...

In [Numb. 437.)

... &c. has received great Hurt beyond Sea by being overturned in a Poft Chaifc. Wr. Walter Williams belonging to the King's Kitchen, who was flabled on Thurfday Morning la ft by Macdonald the Irifh Soldier, is like to do well. Yeittrday a Court of Honour ...

On Monday wxt wil h pabldVd, arks 6 THE Gentkinan's MAGAZINE: Or, ' a *Middy Intelligencer. Numb. XIX. for Ply,

... the bcft Chamber wainkotted, and three other Chambers handfomely hung ; with Beaufeu, Marble Hearths, and Tiled Corners, a Kitchen, Waihhoufc, three Cellars, and all other Conveniences; a god den wall'd in, with good Fruit, a Green- houfe, and other Greens ...