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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... fervatits ditto, Nix cl fpurcitrrr p-afihgei, wa~crt clufee, and i cllatfe on tire grorlnd rtorvrtodetlier avihhLI convenient kitchen, yard,eoal axid'- tine vauilts ulpon, the ba!-~lment ttory, rnakitrg in thle wholeQ a fuiralile reielerene flrita Siti0la ...

Advertisements & Notices

... librarv cafes, fecrtctnires, fcts ot dining tariles, anrd other niliogany allI jrpsired articles of every denoiiination, kitchen ranges, itoves, fenders, fire irons, &c. &C. T o be viewgcd ons Mo1diav ad Tluefdlay precding the Palc, when Catalhigues may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... every ?? Cliot, with two lodges, a private road, asid handfomne approach to the houife ; a terrace, plcafure groudsid, and kitchen gardens, rcc flocked and planted with excellent fruit trees;- an ornamental fcreen, paved coachi-)ard, with lamp piers, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hooks, x150 rcanls nt f prinate d demhypaper-, miahogany top counter, glaf.5 cakes, parti- C, tions, kitchen ranige, two ~leadcilte~rns,forcelpumnp, kitchen irequi- Ii fit.s, knd numerous uifeds.- lay be viewed and Catalogues ji had onl the i'remifes, sad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tare, adapted to the 7-loufce; comprifing btdiftPfds, furnitures, and bedding; chairs, tables, drawers, carpets, glaihes, kitchen articles, &c. To be viewed one day previous to the fale, when particulars and catalogues may le had on the premifes; and of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... elegant r{eidence, in else midft'of pleaflure-grounds, elegantly difpbfed in lawn, open and Usin- brageous walks, excellent kitchen and fruit gardcets, with plsyery, now ufcd as a grapery, 40 feet long; fuccellion houfe,-icc houfe, &c. doulble coacli-houfe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as, and light clofet, good dining parlouar, ditto) kitchen, and fuitable offices, double ftaircafe and garden.- AIlo NO. 24JU ?? ftreet, with tw o drawing-roomns, large dining 'parlour, good kitchen, and offices. And a neat Heoife, No. 16 ,in Cork-ftreet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hi(Afa _forma a moft elegant relidence, in the anidlt of pleaftirc-grounds, elegantly dlfpofed hL lawn, open and unn- ?? kitchen and fruit fardens, witlh pinery, now dred as a grapery, 40 fret long ; fucceffion houfe, ice houfe, d&c. -'ouble'coach-houfe' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pi-ensifes are in the ncoft perf'edt tce~lrt gaon- clia - ii asid constain each five Bedeisamo-is; C rass-sn-cruoon two inure, a Kitchen, Walhi-hnufe, asie\'im Pi-Y d il reslttilite contVeoineliaa,; No. -- ii Itec ?? jf - r at a it: ent-CA of 341. per alnrosis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lpaeious arry bed chamrbers, a cottceriient parknar,i anie private 'nitraisee iiito George-itreet, two war-ebtiufes, large kitchen sun ccllarirrg; hield for a term -of twelur: ymcar unexpired t at Latin-day, sine ; rent fin. lier aninum, land ta, sili'a'ad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... earthen or other plates. The Digelter for Soup fold in various lizes the Patunt Ilot Clofet, 'Fanmily Oven, Patent Steam Kitchen; and alfo the Pa- tent Retiring Stove, to be [ecu in at tcvcry day. N. E, Comcplete Sets of Oval Difn Cover,. FIfTY 'I'lOUSAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fre~ehold CHAMTBERS, £13, olligsly fittuatcd on the ground and bafe ment itury ot No. 3, usl tiucoitni-lu's !i'.quarc, i-lift~ kitchen, feolfery, pavrid yardi, roomy c*sarage, van vat aut, a~nd other accornmodatioii# tar s flaimly; ?? ftred tip, in frcbiptnrtil ...