Refine Search


... la Y repeatedly without effea, they burft it open, t and, after fome refearch, found the unhappy a Lady dead in the back kitchen, with feveral marks of favage v!iolence on her body, and her mouth flopped with an handkerchief. The t Lhoufe was plundered ...


... ilet in the Borough, sonl they law &1iddletsn in t ie Street, jait at before they came to the door. Upon going into the at kitchen, they found H ker, and another perfon called an Gallo~pin~g Dick. T hey refilted every attempt of the as, officers to take ...


... the prifoner; that on Saturday the 3d of May laft, between eight and nine o'clock in the evening, his maiter came into the kitchen, ordered him to get his (upper, and go home, for lie wanted the family to go to bed. He accord- ingly went home, and returned ...


... that on.Saturday, the 3d of May laft, betweeni eight th5 zreal nine o'clock in the evening, his mailer came into faic the kitchen, ordered him to get his fupper, and go lett home ; (he flep t in the town, not, in Mlr. Mledhurft's 'hall houfey,! IZar he ...


... Holborn, It has not been as yet pre- e cifely afeertained whether the accident hap pened in Mr. n Hodfel, mufic-feiler's, back kitchen, or in Steele's livery Y ftables, which are at the back of Warwick-court, imme- diately behind Mr. Hodfel's houfe. Mr. .Hodfel ...


... Many of the, aiticles foujai appear F~erf to be niew, fuch as are hung out at 'hop doors, and oth'ers Irela taken out of kitchens, &oe. 'The woman's iiarrte is Jane full H-owell, alias Birch. ' She was committedl'or fairlier ~exa- iiay minlat ion.'N The ...


... thar as he was known to the perfons belonging to the houthold of the King, he might easily obtain ad- mifflion into the kitchen, and if he confented to throw unperceived into the boiler (la viarmiito) a little parcel which would be given to him, his ...

COURT of KING, BENCH.—Before Lord ELLENBOROUGH and a Special Fury.—Saturday, Dec. 8

... curious circumfiances transpired: The houfemaid of Mr. Shaw depofed, that on Saturday morning the cook went tip flairs from the kitchen to her own room, as fuppofed, for the purpofe of getting her book ready for the infpeclion of her nmafter; when, on going ...

Tuesday's Post continued

... 'melancholy fcene, the prifoner was thus left at home in the houfe of the deceafed, with no other -perfn n HtHll Hefter Kitchener, a female fervant. The family of'Mr. Blight, it would be found, ufually fpent -their evening in the front parlour facing ...


... Mr. Patchl Isad tea together in th-e ev ening, anti after- wards Come grog. Ise vas' ploced iti fich a (iruation in thle kitchen as not to 1j0 able to fee the oaek parloor door, although1 the door of tise kithebo was nearly op'olite to thar of thc psarlour ...


... mounds that have withlflood the fury of the raging element for many years, have yielded to its violence. At Eaftbourn, the kitchens belonging to feveral houfes by the water fide were filled with water from 'l to la inches deep, which drove in with irrefiftible ...


... January, thofe articles I had on hire were Lent back again; Colonel Wardle ufed to be in every part of my houfe, frons the kitchen to the garret, and ex- amined the furniture as it came in, and Ionme times feot back articles he thought too expenfive. I ...